Chapter 1

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Aelin POV

It was dark, not dark like the night sky, but dark, suffocating nothingness. I didn't know how long I had been here, it could be days, weeks or years, everything was a big blur. The smell of iron and blood hung in my nostrils like it was all that existed in this darkness. The only reassurance I had to my broken corpus, was the pain, the unending, insufferable pain.

In the start I had tried counting the days after my surender, but the hours or days in darkness made me question what was day and night, and I gave into the darkness only with my thoughts as companionship.

I got thrown out of my thoughts when the sound of footsteps approached, I sucked in a breath when I heard the pause in front of me, and the scent hit me, the scent I had learned to dread, the scent of a promised pain and suffering, the scent of the male.

The scraping sound of a dagger being dragged against the iron separating us sent a jolt through me.

"Good morning princess" the male purred with amusing in his voice

So it was morning the male always came on different times in the day, or that was what I thought at least, because of the hours in the darkness I never knew how long it was between our "sessions" which was what he liked to call them.

I let out what would have been a growl, but came out as a squeak because of my dry throat.

"Fiery are we today?" he purred

I thrashed on the chains attached to every part of my body, making sure I didn't go anywhere (like I had the strength to do anything) I will not be defeated I told myself I will not be defeated! As the dagger continued its path along the metal separating us.

A chuckle came from outside the darkness and as the dagger stopped its path he said;

"I have something very special planned for us today"

And then the sound of metal being pulled gave room for a flow of light, I squeezed my eyelids together to adjust to newfound light of the room, and there he was, the male I hated with all of my heart, the male who took pleasure in my suffering.

"Let's get playing" he said as a sadistic smile formed on his face.

I will not be defeated I said as he tied me to the cold stone table, and began his game I will not be defeated! I will not be defeated!! I said as the pain began, and the only sound I could hear was my own screaming I will not be defeated!! As the long hours of unending pain began I will not be defeated, I will not be defeated, I will not be defeated.

Hilo! whoever clicked into this story, its my first try at something like this, so I would appreciate if you would leave your opinion, have a great day,


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