Chapter 5

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Aelin POV

I open my eyes slowly, the bright light forcing my eyelids to shift together. I bring up my arm to shield my sensitive eyes from the shining sun. After a couple of blinks, my eyesight clears out, I look around, the scenery is nothing I have ever seen before. The sky is completely red, with orange and purple swirls creating a complex masterpiece of a sky. I look dow at myself, to my big surprise my usual attire is swapped out with at flowy white knee-long dress, my skin is no longer married with scares and bruises, but surprisingly smooth and silklike, like a newborns coat. As I look forward my eyes capture a large cleft, which my feet is moving towards. I no longer control my body, and it is moving on its own towards the deep depths of the cleft. Even with this danger in front of me, and my out of control body, moving with this danger in line. I feel no fear or unease, rather I feel a call, calling me in the direction of the cleft. and I find that my body no longer is out of my control, but I now is directing it towards the desired destination. 

As I reach the edge of the cleft, my feet stop at the very edge, one wrong move and I would be falling into my death. But I am not in the slightest bit fearful or feel any unease. My head jerks up as a voice calls my name, not just any voice, but my princes beautiful voice. As my eyes searches desperately for the source, they settle on a silhouette of a high, masculine and very recognizable male on the other side of the cleft. My very own prince, as I discover who it is, the desperation grows inside me, and an almost unrecognizable cry, leaves my parted lips. This grabs my mates interest, and his amazingly complex eyes capture mine. 

And there we stand on each side of this unnatural cleft, we are both awestruck by the sight of the other, and the silence is evident of our amazement. After what feels like a lifetime, I finally manage to construct a understandable word 

"Buzzard?" This seems to bring him out of his trance, as a look of affection, love but also sorrow and loveliness consumes his face, I can see all of his emotions clear in his feature, the look of a broken male, a male who have suffered and lived, a male who have been fighting nonstop and still is. My own sorrow strikes as I see his struggle, the reality of his sorrow is because of me terrifies me, I know it had to be done, and I did it for the greater good. This sight makes me question how I could be so heartless, and make him go through all that, what could justify breaking a male on that level?, how could anything justify what I have done to him?. My ramble stops as his almost undecipherable answer reaches my ears.

"my fireheart?, is it really you?" His voice is so full of pent up emotion that my knees almost goes weak, and I fight to keep my stand.

"yes, Its me, your firehearth, I'm here" I replies, as my eyes begins to moisturize, and I fight to keep the tears in my eyes from falling. 

"Where are you my firehearth?, we have been looking for you everywhere" His confession warms  my whole body, and the love and concern his voice portraits makes dizzy.

"I don't know" my voice is weak, but clearly he heard it, because his eyes shows a deep panic and confusion as my words reaches his ears. I don't know what to say to him, I have no clue where I am or where I am going, the only knowledge of my whereabouts I have, is that I no longer am in our world, I am long away form my kingdom, friends, Maeve, Erawan but also my mate. I no longer exist in their world. 

"what do you mean, you don't know?" His confusion and panic is evident in his strong voice. 

"what I mean is, I no longer exist in our world, I am somewhere els, somewhere different" as my sentence is complete, the sky begins to change to a darker and more thick color, I look at Rowan with what I only can guess is panic, as this unnatural world begins to shot down. 

"what is going on, how do we find you?" My mates desperate call travels to me, but now it is more unclear and I struggle to decipher the last bit. What is going on? and what do I do now? as my mind fills with questions, i realize this might be the last time I see my mate, a last gift, before we part. My mind struggles with this realization, and I say the only thing I can manage in this state of uncertainty. 

"I love you buzzard, I love you so much" as I roar my last sentence to my mate, a flow of tears stream down my cheeks, I am no longer able to see straight from the water forming in my eyes. 

"What firehearth, don't go" I hear he roars, trying to contact me, but I have no control over anything, I no longer is able to see him, the world is becoming darker and darker, as a last sentence I whisper under my breathe well aware he is unable to hear my voice "I love you, to we meet again" than everything besoms pitch-black, and the familiar darkness consumes me in its mass. 

Rhys POV

A sudden disturbance wakes me from my sleep, and I jerk up in the bed, in the process waking up Fayre who automatic searches for danger, because of the sudden change of atmosphere. She looks me up and down looking for changes with at concerning and confused glance in her eyes. "what is wrong" she asks with a voice full of concern. 

I try to sort through my wild thoughts, while coming up with a valid answer, witch will reassure my mate that I'm fine. 

"Ahh, I had this sense of a disturbance, like the one last night, but stronger and more persistent" I end up saying, her eyes clearly show her emotions going from concern to surprise to interest.  

"Are you okay" She asks as the concern seems to overrule all other instinct. Her eyes is searching for an answer to her question, always thinking of my wellbeing and health. 

"yes, I'm okay, but I don't know what this feeling could be" I answer, this seems to put a damper to her animalistic instinct for my wellbeing. And a look of interest and confusion replaces the concern. As her eyebrow races in question and a way to show me to continue my explanation. I take the invitation and begins explaining this strange feeling to her. 

"I don't know, it feels like something different has arrived, remember last night I said something was coming. I think it is here, and it is powerful, it is just a feeling, but it is so strong and hard to ignore." as I finish my rambling, she looks at me with a skeptical look. 

"how powerful? good or bad?" she asks in interest, clearly scared for another high powerful enemy to disturb our peace. 

"The only thing I can feel is it is powerful, maybe even as powerful as me and you, I can't feel if its peaceful or threatening" I answer, but I can see it brings no peacefulness to my mates mind, and her unease is still there. 

Trying to ease her worries I say "It might be nothing, just a feeling, we have no evidence pointing towards any disturbance, lets just go to sleep again, and talk about it in the morning" this seems to put a damper to her worries, and she lets me drag her down towards the pillows again. As I settle my arms around her waist, she not long after drifts into a peaceful sleep. But even through my mate is sleeping deeply, I can't seem to settle anymore, this feeling keeping me form sleep as   I decides to look at my mate instead of sleeping through the night. The weird feeling never leaving my mind. 

Hey, me again, so this is probably the longest Aelin part so far. I hope you can see where all of this Is going, uhhh so exciting. I hope you will stay safe in this lockdown and remember to use your mind, 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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