Chapter 4

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Aelin POV

I just woke up one of my "sections" and the pain still lingers in my body even though I had slept for some time, my whole body aches from the pain and soreness. Only one thing is keeping me from giving in to the darkness that is about to overtake me again. 

My plan

My last chance at freedom. As I keep that in mind, I begin to search the small space for something sharp, after some searching I find a piece of sharp metal, with it I slice a line in my arm, the pain is nothing compared to what I'm use to in these times, and the thought of the pain coming form the idea of freedom, makes the pain enjoyable and almost addicting. I slowly dip my finger in, the thick blood, I have felt so many times before down my body. I race my hand and  trace the blood on the flat surface, that makes one of the walls of this suffocating prison of mine, which if everything goes to plan, I will leave for good. 

I continue the motion of tracing the symbols, that will be hopefully the key to my freedom. Even though I can't see my canvas, I work on muscle memory. And it is almost like I can see the symbols in front of me, glowing in my mind. My arm is sore and stiff, but I press myself to continue the spell and finish the symbols for the hope of a good outcome. 

When I'm done I begin to say the words require to make the spell complete, my voice starts out small and rough from not using it, as the words form in the space, the symbols begins to shine, and light up my little box, the light is like a boost of energi, and I fell my voice getting louder and louder, to the point where I thing I'm shouting the words instead of whispering. Just as my voice reaches its peak, I hear footsteps and people shouting, I smile to myself because I know the spell is over and I'm free. Thats when a complete darkness overtakes me, and it's like I'm dragged out of existence. I can feel my body changing, but I can't do anything about it, and that's when my human body gives into unconsciousness. 

Rowan POV 

We have finally reached Doranelle, at this point I know It is almost hopeless to find her, but I want give into the possibility that we won't find her, she would not stop searching for me, and I will keep up my journey till I find her. 

Ever since she disappeared, I have felt this hole in my chest, a feeling of being incomplete and missing a vital part of myself. My only reason for not falling over and giving into the pain and suffering, is my quest to save her, my mind can't think of anything other than her, and how I find her. My body is beginning to shot down, and I no longer fell any pain besides the pounding pain in my chest, that won't disappear. I no longer is able to sleep a whole night, and the need to be with her, has already driven me to the point of insanity. I no longer care for anything or anybody besides her, and the need to be there for her. 

"Maybe she will be here, we could have missed her last time we where here, she could be here, she could be here, she will be here" I hear Elide say lowly

At this point, we all know she is only trying to hold onto the hope, she like all of us is on her last straw. And centimeters from disappearing into the sea of disappointment and sorrow I am already trying not to drown in. Gavriel and Lorcan is still going strong, but I know the uncertainty of her state, is also slowly taking its toll on them, just not at the same rate as Elide and myself. 

We have been everywhere by now, every hook of every territory has been looked through. And by now we only keep looking because we have too, we do not know where she could be, we have been through everthing except where she is. But that is still a mystery we do not know. 

As we keep going through the streets of Doranelle, I suddenly feel a disturbing in my connecting to her, usually I can still feel the small cord of a connection between us, that tells me she is still there, and holding onto life. My sudden disruption, makes me halt in our stride, the others turn to me with a concerning look, they know something is wrong. I feel the connection between my friehearth and me is being stretched, not broken but stretched to the point where I can no longer   feel her in this world, but I still can feel her lifelight shining in my deep emotional darkness that is surrounding me. I look up to where my companions is looking at me, questioning what is going on. That is when I say 

"She is gone"  

Rhys POV

Lately our lifes have been nicely easy, smooth and quiet, it's like things is going too easy, the feeling of something being wrong. I think as I look at the starry night, that alway seems to help me think straight. But even with the night sky helping me sort my mind, I can't stop think something is wrong. Everybody else seems to be blissfully ignorant, and it seems I am the only one feeling this disruption. I tell myself it probably is nothing but I still can't shake the feeling of something coming soon. 

My thoughts gets interrupted by two hands massaging my tense shoulders "what are you thinking about?, are you okay?" my sweet mate asked

Always thinking about others, and their wellbeing. This thought brings a sense of warm pride over my hearth. I turn my head, so I can see her magnificent eyes, the eyes I can't stop being sucked into every time I look into them. 

"nothing important, just this weird feeling" as I finish the sentence I see it did nothing to increase her worries. Her perfectly natural eyebrow races as she looks skeptical at me.

"what kind of feeling?" I look into her eyes and decide to tell her, as I can't keep a secret from her if it depended on my life.

"I have this feeling, that something is coming, something new or strange is disrupting the balance"  I tell her, she looks at me, and after a good couple of seconds she breaks the silence 

"a disruption maybe, only time will tell, we can't do anything about it now" as she says this I take ter words to hearth, she is right, what good does worrying when we don't know the danger, I take one last look at the night sky, as I turns around and follows my mate indoors.

Hey, soo long time since last time. Noticed that I had worked on this chapter a long time ago, and wanting to finish it. I do not know if I will continue this story, but jeah, hope you will enjoy it. 


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