Chapter 3

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Aelin POV

I feel unconscious wearing of me, but I keep my eyes closed, just to give me a minute to sort out my thoughts. My head feels like jelly, probably form the pain. The last I remember was the the male, he was cutting open my knee, he kept saying I should yield. But even the pain wasn't enough to make me doom my family, they are the only light I have in this darkness. They are the reason why I keep going, I know that if I give in to Maeve they are as good as death. After sorting out my latest memory I begin to feel where I am, I'm standing up, which is odd, because the male usually enjoys me laying down. I know I'm not in the boks, because my arms and legs are stretched out which is a relief, but I'm sure it won't be for long. Finally I open my eyes, the sudden light is overwhelming but I manage to look around. I am right, I hang against a wall. I look down at myself, my eyes travel to my now unharmed knee, if I didn't know better I would think it was a dream, but I know it never is, It is real, this is all real, no nightmare, and it never will be, it is always real. Before I can observe further, the door opens, and he walks in. 

"Look who's awake, looked like you needed that beauty sleep" He purres, I growl in return. 

"Always so wild" he chuckles, while looking me up and down, I feel so vulnerable, when his icy blue eyes scan me. 

"Makes it more fun to hear you scream" he says, with a smile forming on his lips.

He moves from the door, and walks slowly towards me. 

"Today, I think we should take a new approach, since pain seems to be working slowly" he mutters, you mean not working at all I tell myself, it gives me a small satisfaction knowing, he can't break me. The thought that even with all his attempts, it won't work, gives me hope and aa newfound strength. But it dies quickly when I think of what he is going to do. 

He seems to capture what I am thinking, because his smile only widens. 

He moves closer, and somehow his hand is suddenly on my left thigh. The motion catches me off guard, and I feel my eyes widen with furry. How dare he touch me!! He notices my reaction and begins to laugh, while moving his hand to more dangerous territory, he caresses me places where only my mate is allowed, and I can't do anything. My body stiffens with every motion and I can't move, my voice is somehow forgotten and, I want to scream, I want to kill him, I want to make him suffer, but I can only stand there and watch. While I watch the psycho enjoys himself, in my discomfort.

I wake up to the darkness, I can still feel his touch on my body, his laugh is still fresh in my mind. I wish I could just forget it, forget the lock, forget the war, forget everything, but I can't because if I give in. My family will be doomed, everything I have sacrificed will be for nothing, my life will be meningless, if I can not protect my loved ones, it will all be for nothing. So I push the thought into the back of my mind. That's when I get an idea, a small gnist of hope in this suffocating endless darkness. An idea that might work, and will protect everyone. A small smile graces my lips, and I curse myself for not thinking of this before.


Feyre POV

The dinner quickly turned into something more than a dinner, about two hours in Cassian suggested we go to a bar instead, everybody except Amren thought it was a good idea, she excused herself by saying she had business to attend to, even though everybody knew that business was called Varian. So we paid for the food, and got going.

And here we are, Mor and Cassian decided to begin dancing and despised his refusal got Azriel in the middle of them. Cassian and Mor sways to the music while Azriel stands awkwardly in the middle with pleading eyes my way.

Rhys and I sit in one of the booths while watching the trio dancing, or Mor and Cassian dance. Being the inner circle we usually don't have time to these kinds of things, so it's nice finally enjoying an evening of not worrying.

"Do you want to join them" Rhys asks over the loud music with an outstretched hand, I look into his eyes, his beautiful, caring, loving eyes and smile.

"Yeah, why not" I respond while taking his hand and we walk towards the trio hand in hand.

Two hours later

Everyone except  Azriel and I are completely drunk, I look towards Cassian, Rhys and Mor who has taken a permanently spot at the bar, I have pity to whoever has to serve them, they seem to be having a grand time, probably because of the alcohol.

For about an hour ago Azriel and I made up a game, where we bet on who can predict what they are going to do. 

"Do you think anything is gonna happen there?" Azriel asks while nodding behind me, I follow his eyes and find three girls standing in a corner, stealing looks at Cassian. Unfortunately for them Cassian and Nesta have been having a "thing" lately, we all suspekt that something is up but they haven't announced enything yet, but the girls don't know that. One of the girls, a black haired girl, and the most confident of the three it seems, begins dust off her dress while looking at Cassian.

"I think she is gonna make a move, but she's gonna be rejected" I say while taking a sip of my water and gesturing to the girl. Azriel looks form the girl to Cassian and says "Hmm" And as if the girl heard our conversation, she begins to walk on cue toward Cassian, Azriel and I follow her with our eyes, excitement showing in our eyes, as we wait for the action. 

When she reaches Cassian, she walks right past him and takes a seat next to Mor. Mor announced that she is lesbian a couple of months ago, everybody was supportive and it was evident, everybody was just happy for her. But the look in Azriel's eyes told me, he was not expecting that and neither was I. The girl got Mor's attention and quietly told her something I couldn't detect, Mor only smiled and nodded before she got up from her seat and out on the dance floor with the girl. I looked towards Azriel and his features hid nothing, I could see all the surprise written on his face, and it made me laugh, I couldn't hold it in, just the look on his face, it was hilarious. Apparently he didn't think the same.

Hilo! this is my longest chapter so far, woohoo, and don't worry their storylines will interact soon promise, even though 90% of you won't read this, have a good day/night XD


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