The Pokémon

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Above: The Pokédex by me


I opened my eyes with annoyance as the Squirtle alarm clock carried on its daily song, only it was a few hours before it normally started shouting at the top of its volume. As I shut it off, I wondered why it was set so early. Then it crashed over me like a great tidal wave of realisation. I was getting my starter today! Fuelled with elation, I ran to the bathroom, hurriedly brushed my teeth, tried to style the wild, untameable hair on my head, got changed and charged down the stairs to see my Pokèmon. I didn't even notice the delicious smell of pancakes wafting from the kitchen until I got to the bottom of the stairs. The smell calmed me down a bit and I decided to have some breakfast first.

The kitchen had an oak panel floor and black tiles on the wall. There were cupboards along the far wall, with a sink and a drying rack. On the right was an oven with more cupboards beside it and it was here that my mum, Angelina Sunvine, was plating up a stack of luxurious pancakes.

"Morning Apollo!" My mom said energetically, "I never got to hear what Pokèmon you asked for because they called me in early for work."

My mum works the night shift at Seagem's Pokècentre so she's hardly ever home in the evenings.

"It's fine mum; dad and Peter don't know what it is either." I replied.

"Static's coming over soon isn't he?" mum guessed.


"Well I'll take you two out to get everything you need for your great adventure." she said.

"Thanks mum!" I said.

My stomach content with being full on pancakes with maple syrup, I made my way to the living room, my parents as excited as me to see my Pokèmon. There, on the table lay a black box with a metallic red outline of a Pokèball on it. I carefully lifted the box onto my knees and gingerly pulled the lid off. Inside was a Pokèball and a Pokèdex. The box had slots so that these items fitted inside the box. I took out the Pokèball as if it was the most precious thing in the world and pressed the white button in the middle. The Pokèball enlarged and then went smaller until it was the perfect size for my hand. Once again, I pressed the button and this time the ball opened and a bright, misty cloud flew out and materialised on the floor.

The creature was about 60cm tall. It was blood-orange in colour and had a beige stomach and a long tail that ended with a flickering flame. "Charmander!" It said.

"Hello Charmander. I'm now your trainer and together we will become the best. What do you say?" I said trying to be friendly with my new Pokèmon, hoping he liked me.

"Charmander!" it said which I took as a yes.

I turned back to the box and took out the Pokèdex, which looked like a piece of red plastic shaped into a hexagon with a Pokéball engraved on opposite ends. I decide to pull on these sides and the hexagon split into separate trapeziums that I realised were the handles. In between the handles was a holographic screen that turned on. An outline of a Pokèball appeared on the screen in white. I pointed the screen towards Charmander (who was taking in its surroundings) and a picture of it came up on screen.

"Charmander: Lizard Pokèmon. Type-Fire. The flame on Charmander's tail tip shows its life force and feelings. When it is weak, the flame would be small. If the flame were to go out, Charmander would die!" said the Pokèdex in a robotic voice. I also checked Charmander's ability, which was Blaze that made Charmander's fire type moves stronger when it was at a low amount of HP, its gender (which was somehow gender less), and its moves (Growl and Scratch). This extra information was displayed on the screen of the Pokèdex.

Pokèmon: The Adventures of ApolloWhere stories live. Discover now