Seagem Mines

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We had been walking for about 15 minutes when we got a glimpse of the entrance to the Seagem Mines. It was a few minutes walk away so we went towards it as I had decided that we should go through the mines and end up outside Rockfell City.
"Static, I hope you're not scared of the dark!" I said,
"Of course not!" he replied.
I knew that he secretly was still scared of the dark but I guess he had a right to. He'd had some past experiences, one of which included a Zubat stuck in his room and since Static couldn't see anything, he was convinced that it was something like a monster.

We finally arrived in front of the mines. An entrance building was built outside a small hill and extended back into it. The architecture was very modern and on a closer look, it looked very well preserved. Plants, bushes and flowers had been planted outside and a cobbled path led the way to the sliding doors of the building.
"Why does this old, abandoned mine have a very posh entrance" I thought to myself. But then I remembered: now that the mine was no longer in use, it was one of Seagem's tourist attractions for those who like caves and mines. Personally I thought that they were just a pile of stone with holes in it but I guess different people like different things. Besides, past generations of Pokémon trainers also used this way to get to Rockfell, just like me and Static.

The interior was no different to the exterior, clean and modern. I was surprised to see an abundance of people crowded within the building. We were about to walk towards the entrance to the route (it was marked by a sign hanging from the ceiling) when a tall man blocked our path.
"Hey you two, I don't know where your going but you need to pay before you get through here." the man said in a gruff voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know." I said truthfully as I fumbled in my pocket for my trainer card. Static followed suite. The man was about to pull out the card machine when he looked at our cards.
"Ah, so you're both Pokémon trainers. Sorry for that but you guys get to go free here," he said smiling, "I always wanted to be a trainer but I never got the chance. Well anyway good luck to you two on your journey!"
"Thanks!" I said walking away.
"You two are Pokémon trainer's are you?" a slim girl with light purple hair asked us.

"Yeah that's right," I replied, "We're on our way to Rockfell City."

"Hmmmm, yeah I thought so... Something tells me I'll see you there!" the girl said in her high pitched voice. "My name's Jemmy by the way. See ya!" and with that, the girl walked off.

The contrast between the entrance building and the actual mines couldn't have been more different. Whilst the building was modern and clean, the mines were dank and musty. The path was lit for us by some dim hanging lights but everywhere else was pitch black. It was also cold and an occasional "drip, drip" echoed throughout the cave. What made it worse was the frequent sounds of the Pokémon that lived here.

"I am not enjoying this." said a deflated Static,

"Nah me neither." I said truthfully.

"Chop, chop, chop!"

"Static are you okay?" I said, confused as to what he was going on about,

"Th- that was-wasn't me!" Static replied, now shivering with fear and the cold, "C-can you ta-take out Charm- Charmander. Maybe h-his tail fire can l-light this pla-place up a b-bit."

"Alright Charmander, come out!" I said quietly. As soon as Charmander materialised the area around us was instantly lit up, exposing the source of the weird sound.

"Choooop!" it shouted in surprise. Now that I could see it, I studied the Pokémon. It looked like a human toddler, but on closer inspection its skin was a pale bluey-grey.

"Hey, it's a Machop!" Static said, excited. Static was a real fan for fighting type Pokémon and one of his many favourites was Machamp. I quickly pulled out my Pokédex and scanned it.

"Machop: Superpower Pokémon. Type - Fighting. Machop can pick up and throw the weight of a hundred people and its developing muscles give it more reason to working out. Its favourite thing in the whole world is exercise." Its ability was No Guard which made it so that all attacks would hit, no matter where the opponent was. It was also a male.

Suddenly I felt the urge to battle and Charmander's tail was also flaring up.

Heh, Charmander is also getting pumped.

"Alright Machop, I challenge you to a battle!" I said to the Pokémon.

"Chop, chop! Machop! Chop!" it replied, ready to battle.

Since Machop is a Fighting type, Scratch won't do a lot of damage. Ember is gonna be my best bet.

"Charmander, let's kick things off with roar!" I commanded. Charmander let out an impressive roar for such a small beast, effectively lowering Machop's defence."

Machop then attacked with a Low Kick, hitting Charmander's chest.

"Charmander, quick use Ember whilst it's close!" I shouted, remembering how Litten had done the same to Charmander when they battled. The Ember hit Machop directly, sending it sliding across the ground, knocked out. I quickly pulled out a Pokéball and threw it at Machop. He vaporised and was sucked into it. The Ball then closed and landed on the floor, where it rolled three times until a "click" was heard and a bunch of confetti (eco and Pokémon friendly as it decayed within an hour) shot out of it, signalling it was caught. I picked up the Pokéball and handed it to Static, "Here you can have him." I said, smiling to my friend.

"What! No! You caught it so you should have it!" he replied.

"No it's fine, I want you to have it. Fighting types aren't really my thing. I think you'll be a better trainer for him since you know more about fighting types." I said, putting the Pokéball into his hand.

"Thanks buddy!" he said, opening the Pokéball and releasing Machop back out. He then sprayed Machop with a potion. "There ya go Machop." Static said, giving him some Pokéfood.

"Well Static, we've still gotta get to Rockfell yet so let's get going." I reminded Static.

"Oh yeah! Let's go!"

Apollo and Static have had their first wild Pokémon encounter and now Static has Machop as his second Pokémon. What other strange Pokémon will they find on their great journey across the Quora region?

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Author's Note

I know I said that updates will be increasing but I've just had so much schoolwork that I have hardly any time to get some good writing time. Sorry guys! :D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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