Tomorrow's The Day

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"Good match, Static." I said, hoping that he wouldn't become disheartened after losing his first ever trainer battle, "Litten was a tough opponent!"

"But we could be tougher if he listened to me." came the disappointed reply.

I wasn't great at cheering people up so I was lost for words until,

"What's all the noise for?" my little brother said quietly from the crimson red back door of our house. He clearly was not happy with the way he had been woken up from his comfy bed until he saw our...

"Pokèmon! Why didn't you guys wake me up earlier! Show me! Show me!" he shouted audibly, disturbing a family of Pidove that had taken residence in a big pine tree in the corner of the yard. He came and inspected Static's and my Pokèmon ("Charmander? I said Froakie! Froakie!") and then we got ready to go shopping for supplies for our great journey.

The shopping mall was a gargantuan building called "The Jewel of Seagem". It, like many other things in Quora, was owned by Dittocorp, a mass company that made clothes, buildings, Pokémon supplies and were very rich. It was owned by the Sir Ian Longridge and the ownership of the company would be passed down to the oldest son or daughter.

We first went to the bank to get some money on our trainer cards (Static's mum gave my mum a cheque). After that we went to a shop called Wild Wilderness that sold everything for an outdoor journey such as rucksacks, tents, coats and more. I chose an all black rucksack that had an azure blue outline of a Pokéball, a black tent and a black coat (going full black). Static got a funky red and blue rucksack along with a green tent and a blue coat. We also bought the usual Pokémon trainer needs as well as other items like food and water. I also bought a first aid kit that came neatly organised in a larger version of a Heal Ball.

By now, Static was over his loss but was stilled annoyed at Litten's behaviour. After a bit we got hungry so we got some delectable pizzas and then went home.

We packed our stuff up and then I decided to study a map of Quora so that I could tell where we were going.
"According to this map, our destination is Rockfell City. We can go through the mines and then go exit on the plains or just follow the main path. It shouldn't be too hard to get there however, it will take us around two days to get there." I stated.
"The first gym is there, but I can't remember the current gym leader but both of you have fire types which are weak to rock types." my dad advised.
"Well I'm gonna get an early night so yeah goodnight guys!"
Everybody said "'night!" except from Peter who was upstairs.

As I was getting myself into bed, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." I called and Peter walked in, "Oh hi Peter."
"Hey," he said back, "I got something for you!" he said and handed me a little Pokéball badge that said "Pokémon Champion"
"Thanks a bunch." I said thankfully as I pinned it to my backpack. "Well I'm gonna get some sleep, so see ya in the morning."
"I don't want you to go!" Peter said, tearing up.
"Hey it'll be okay. I'm only a phone call away." I replied, "and soon, you'll be a Pokémon trainer and as Champion I'll travel with you!"
"You better become champion or else I'll pummel you." He laughed.

I went to my room, lugging my overflowing bag with me and got in my bed.


Apollo and Static are ready to start their journey with their partner Pokémon. Their first destination is Rockfell City, home to the Rock Gym of Quora. Will Apollo and Static be able to defeat the gym leader and move forward on their journey?

Author's Note

Sorry if you were waiting for an update. I've just been a bit busy.

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