Off We Go

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I woke up to the beautiful sound of birds chirping merrily outside and sat up in bed. It was still only 6 am but I decided that I should get ready to leave as early as possible. I quickly had a shower and got ready. Since no one was awake yet, I decided to check I had everything packed up and ready to go. I also let out Charmander and gave him some Pokénuggets (also made by Dittocorp) and made my own breakfast of MooMoo Milk and Chocoballs (a tasty cereal of chocolate Pokéballs). Just as I had finished my breakfast, my mum and dad came into the room.
"Hey Jake, all set to leave today?" questioned my mum.
"Yeah I'm all set and ready to go!" I replied.
I decided to watch TV for a bit (I decided to rewatch some of the best battles from the Pokémon Tournament).
Finally, I heard the knock I was waiting for and went to open the door and welcomed Static into the house.
"Well it's about time!" I said elbowing my friend playfully.
"Be quiet!" He retorted, nudging me back.
We went into the living room and chatted for a bit, neither of us mentioning the fact that we would have to leave our friends and families to be able to fulfill our dreams. Peter also joined us whilst eating his share of Chocoballs. Eventually, my mum told us that we should really get going since we had an extremely long journey ahead of us. At these words, I started to tear up. I hugged my mum and dad and patted Peter's head. I turned and walked out the door to where Static was waiting in the garden.
"Alright Static, let's go!" I said.
"'Kay then come on!" he said back.
We started to walk out of the garden and I turned round once more to wave to my loving family.

It was a beautiful, sunny day with hardly any clouds sailing through the azure sky above. Wild Starly flew overhead calling to other flocks. Occasionally, there was a rustle in the bushes or a call from a tree. Listening to the world around me, it sank in. I was going to explore this wonderful region, travel everywhere - from every corner to every island - I was going to explore it all!

Apollo has left his home town to become a Pokémon Trainer and his first destination is Rockfell City to challenge the gym. Will he be able to best the gym?
Author's Note
Sorry guys that it took me so long to update. I've just been really busy but I will try to start uploading a lot more now!

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