Chapter 1

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(Me from the future, 28th Feb 2020: AHHH THIS HAS 1.15K VIEWS- THIS CHAPTER- HOW DID-)

3rd person POV

It was morning, and YouTube was at the breakfast table with his younger brother, YouTube Kids (or YT Jr.) and his father, Google himself.

It was a quite morning, as none of them had spoke to each other yet. 'BRING' went YT's phone. He had a look. It was a message from Instagram (Or as YT had called her; Insta). "I got a message from Instagram," He explained to Google. "Hmm? Oh, cool. What does it say?" He asked.

YT opened the full page. The message had read:

Hey, YT, u available? Me and Twitter are heading to Town Centre @ 1:00pm and we were wondering if u could join us. It's fine if u can't though. 😉😉
From Instagram at 11:43

YouTube's POV

Hmm. Town Centre. I haven't been there since Facebook spilt his juice all over my WORK. I'm still not sure if I can forgive him.. but Twitter was there. She's a good friend of mine. I really want to go, but I'm a busy app. I guess I'll just check my calendar and see if I could make it...

I stood up and put my phone in my pocket. "What' the message say?" Google asked me as I placed my foot on the first step of the staircase. "Oh, Insta and Twitter we're heading to Town Centre at 1, and they asking if I could join. So I'm checking my calendar to see if I can. Can you?" I explained, turning around.

"Nope, Sorry. Busy being the most used app in the world..." He bragged. I'm the (currently) SECOND most used app in the world, so who's he kidding. I showed him an "ok" sign (or whatever they call it) and head upstairs. YT Jr. followed me up "Can I come too?" He asked. I rubbed his head. I didn't want to offend him by saying no, but really I wanted to say no.

So I did what anyone would do; say "No" whilst laughing.

"Ha, ha...  no," I chuckled, but any app or web could tell I was being sarcastic. So could YT Jr. "Why not?" He whined, climbing up the stairs along with me, until we reached to top. "Because it's just me and my friends. I know you don't like me getting into your business so why can you get into my business?" I pointed out.

I got him this time. I thought.

3rd person POV

YT Jr stopped in front of his brother's bedroom. Hmm.. he had a point.. He thought. "Ugh.. fine... I won't come.." YT Jr sighed in defeat. "Ha ha, good," YouTube nudged him a bit before walking into his bedroom and looking at the calendar.

The date was November 15th (Yeah, thats's today.. I have no imagination..) and it had a big fat 'DAY OFF' stamp on it. "Oh! It's the 'Children In Need' thing today, isn't it? Well that's great!" YT tightened his tie (that sounds weird :v) and straightened his jacket. He got his phone out and typed faster than a hare could (as if they could type anyway..) then rushed to the Town Centre.

The message on Instagram's phone read:

Hey, sorry for late rep. Yeah I can make it and I'm on my way! Cya there 👍👍
From The Tube at 12:18

     -Time Pass-

Twitter's POV

Insta was still looking at her phone, waiting for YT's reply. To be honest, I was kinda hoping for YouTube to come, but he probably wouldn't as Facebook spoilt his last trip.. but he's had much worse experiences.. like the time with PornHub... Oh god, that was something. Maybe that's another reason why he doesn't come here...

Suddenly, Instagram's 'OMG' shake pulled me out of my thoughts. "Twitter! Wake up day-dreamer! The Tube has replied!" She told me, in a loud but not shouting voice. Also she tends to call YT 'The Tube' which I find hilarious.

"Oh, ok! What'd he say?" I curiously asked. She read the exact message out.

"Hey, sorry for late rep. Yeah, I can make it and I'm on my way! Cya there, two thumbs up emojis," She copied.

Right on cue, YT bust through the door. (Like literally 🤣🤣)

PornHub's POV

(oK, hErE cOmEs PoRnHuB! wOoHoO!)

I woke up, and saw the sexy picture of my wife   (r63 website, don't know if you have heard of it) on the wall. That unfortunately was NOT the best picture I had though- it was the one of my senpai / crush: YouTube. The down side is that he wasn't sexy looking, he was very smart looking. But I'm ok with that. It had his own signature by the side too, as I stole it off Tumblr about a week ago.

Whilst my mind was set on the image, I decided that I wanted to have a look at the it, as it was in my drawer. I don't why I kept it there, because about every single app knows about the fact that me and YT are a 'thing'. I got it out, and gave it a kiss. It felt a bit damp, as the last couple kisses were very wet ones.

Oh I hope I'll be able to kiss YouTube one day...

*COMPLETED* App Humans | YouTube x PornHubTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang