Chapter 4 (NSFW #1)

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Little head start there is nsfw in this chapter and a bit in the next chapter so be prepared 😉😉😉

(Future Me here! I find this chapter and the next one kinda cringe, so cringe warning!!! - Me, 29th Feb 2020)

3rd person POV

PornHub was driving off with his feet whilst trying to tie YouTube up so he couldn't get out.
"STOP IT!!" YT yelled trying to get out of PH's grip. But he was just too strong.

"NO!! YOUR MINE AND THAT'S FINAL!!!" The black app yelled. He managed to get YT ties up enough so he couldn't use his arms or legs. "Ok that's good enough.. I'm gonna start to drive properly now so I don't crash," He helpfully explained (did you spot the sarcasm? 😏).

"LET ME GO!!!" YT screamed at the top of his voice. "Ugh... do I have any duck tape on me?" PHub looked at the little drawer next to him. "Wait your gonna.."

Before YT could finish his sentence PornHub had already slapped some duck tape on his mouth to stop him yelling in his ear. "Peace and quiet..." He smirked whilst saying this. Unfortunately, there was a police car on the road ahead.

"Oh shit.." PH made a quick yet sharp turn to the other road. The police saw this, and started up their horn (?) and raced after PH's car. "Fuck why now?" He swore, picking up speed and dashing over from road to road. The police were still behind him though.

This has happened before to PHub. So he knew what to do. And had to do it quick.


They made it to PornHub's house. He stuffed YT into a bag to not make it look weird to the neighbours, even though they had gotten used to having the porn-filled website around. He yeeted the bag inside his living room, to hear YT's faint screams.

PH slammed the door behind him, locked the door, and shut all the blinds. He then turned the light on and took YT out the bag, who seemed to be free from the rope. He pulled the duck tape off his mouth "Yargh!" He quietly shouted.

"PornHub... get me out of here..." He stood up, but his feet were still tied together so he fell back down. "Ouch..." He complained. "Why? I was fishing and you were my catch," He metaphorically explained "So I better use you for good uses." He smirked a bit then straightened a plate on the wall.

"Knowing you, I already know what it's gonna be.." YouTube sighed, undoing the rope around his feet. "Oh well..." PH sat on YT's legs to stop him from moving "I think I can give you a hint~" He winked at him.

"Go ahead..." YT looked away, regretting what he said. "Read the first part of my app~" PH hinted.

It was Porn.

"Thought so..." YT started blushing. PH stood up then took his top off in front of the mirror, to show all his packs. "Only for half an hour. I'll return you after that.." He trailed off and turned his face towards YT "If you PROMISE not to tell anyone about this."

YouTube's face was like this: 😑. "What else am I gonna say?" PornHub took his jeans off. He shrugged. "Just say you were knocked out; I'll think of something," He planned. He then took his underwear off, but sat on the ground. A big crotch was there, as YT stared. "It's bigger than the last time," He pointed out. PH smiled (but like a devilish way) "I've been working on it~"

"I can tell."

"Take your clothes off then"

"A..are you sure.."

"How else are ya gonna sex?"

"I don't want to..."

"For fuck's sake just take those blooming clothes off!"

Eventually, the two both had all their clothes off, and YouTube was sat on the sofa with PornHub in front of him. PHub lifted YT's legs up and saw his target. "Be... careful.." YT warned. "You tell me this EVERY time.." PH disgusted. He slipped the end of his crotch up YT's hole and started to go deeper in inch by inch, so he could enjoy the moment.




PornHub listened to the command he was given and started to get his crotch in deeper and faster. "Good enough?" He asked. YT was too occupied to answer though. "Ahh~ I see~" He smirked and started to get himself into a nice rhythm. In an out, in and out..

It was too much.

"P..PornH..Hub... I.." YT tried to warn him, but a fresh load of cum had already been spurted out. "Oh, so we are already into it, hmm? Well we're just getting started..."

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