Chapter 12: Home

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AN: this chapter is interactive guys! And will decide the fate of one of the jon's we got around!



I watched them for a long time after they all left. Staring at Duncan's message made my heart break. I never knew if they were ever gonna make it back. Bit little did I know, those lights had shown up again, and they were going to bring three people home.


"Alright! Who's going home first?" I said clapping my hands together. Lewis looked to me and looked back to the group, "I think Duncan should head back first. Since he's also infected with the flux, and we can't have you fall into madness friend." I looked at Duncan who flushed a small amount of red. I wondered why. Lewis then looked to Hannah with a worried face. He should know that woman can take care of herself!

Duncan quickly said his goodbyes and walked over to the light. It was so tempting to run in. But I'm not infected. I don't have anyone waiting for me back there. My prprity was helping my friends get home at the moment. He waved one last goodbye before he stepped into the light. And vanished.


Duncan's POV

I opened my eyes and groaned as a massive headache hit me. I looked around and noticed I was back in the office. I fixed my glasses and sat up looking into the game. Everyone was there and they all left after a minute. I sighed and looked out the window. Good to be back. Suddenly I heard a gasp from someone behind me.

I turned around there was Kim. Smiling and small. I got up and walked over to her and pulled her in a deep hug. She hugged back and looked at me. "I-I-I love you too." I blushed. She had seen our diolouge through out the game. So...she saw my message. Oh dear. I smiled and looked at her.

"Love ya too Kim." With that we waited around the office, waiting for another person to join us.

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