Chapter 16: Finding Mother

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Lewis's POV

Two MC Weeks later

No beams had shown up for two weeks. Nilesy took that as a chance to try and find Mother. Who I guess, could aid us into getting home. I glanced over at Nilesy who was playing hot and cold with the flux. The more it glowed, the closer Mother was. The dimmer the further. I sighed and looked to everyone else.

The person who went home was Zoey. She was really happy but also sad she had to leave this once in a life time expierence. However Rythian promised that they could make Blackrock videos soon, and she ran into that portal. I sighed and looked at Ridge and Rythian, the two were very fond of their magic abilties, and were having a magic battle. It looks as if Ridge is winning.

And Simon. Well...Simon is Simon. Just...he seems weary of everything now. I guess the kidnapping really took a toll on him. I was gonna be there though, right next to him till the very end.

"I've got her!!" Nilesy suddenly shouted. All ofourheads turned over were his flux was glowing brightly,I forced a smile and stood up, "guess we better head off toward that way?" I asked. He nodded and ran off, Lalnable trailing behind him. I sighed and took Simon's hand and ran off. He seemed surprised and nearly tripped a few times. In the end I just carried him on my back because of his dwarf self, and my spaceman self.

Then Nilesy put his hand out, his fljc was glowing brightly, even on how faint it was. He peered through some trees and I saw him pale. He quickly turned around and sat down. Lalnable whispered to something I couldn't hear, and Nilesy just pointed to where he once was. Lalnable walked over, he stopped for a moment, a horrified exspression on his face. I put Simon down and walked over to see what was going on. And I myself was quite terrified.

Israphel draining Mother of her form. She was now nearly only a node once more. I felt rage go through me and my sword appeared in my hand, and before I knew what I was doing I raced over at Israphel, I got one good hit on him before he seemed to know my every move. Lalnable came racing out and so did everyone else. Simon and Lalnable took to Mother's aid, everyone else defened off Israphel.

"Well well. Looks like youve got me." He smirked, I didn't blink. I simply said, "give her power back." It was almost like a growl. But Israphel seemed unfazed. Suddenly Nilesy backed off going over to Mother.

Israphel's eyes followed him so I pointed my sword at his neck, "give it back to her!" I said in a louder tone. He laughed then stopped immeditly, his eyes somewhere else. I turned around and saw Nilesy giving away his flux to Mother so she had some strength. She slowly got up and Lalnable held her close picking her up.

"Mother doesn't play fair does she?" Israphel growled. I looked at the others, the power surging through their eyes as objects and spells appeared in their hands, my sword, Simons hammer, Ridge and Rythians spells, Nilesy's wand.

"Hey. Calm down Israphel. Its just a game."

We all attacked.

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