World Of Color: Part 1

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Patton was not like any normal side. Of course, each side was a little bit different from their host, Thomas, in some shape or form. But no side wasn't so different that it was super strange or weird.

But with Patton it was. You see, Patton had something called Synesthesia which is a condition in which one of a person's senses (for example, hearing) is perceived as if by one or more additional senses. Every person with Synesthesia is different in what ways they see, hear, feel, and taste the world. In Patton's case, sight and hearing. For he had colored hearing.

Now you might be wondering what colored hearing was in the Synesthesia world. Well, it's very simple to explain; a person with colored hearing can see colors when they hear sounds and words spoken to them. Their letters will often have color as well.

This is what Patton had and he loved it! He didn't see it as some kind of disease like others sometimes did, he saw it as a gift. But he knew that it wasn't normal for him to be like this, because even though everyone in his family was different from Thomas none of them had something so bizarre as this. Which was why Patton never told any of them his secret, he didn't want them to think he was broken or worse; try and fix him. Because he wasn't broken and he didn't need to be fixed. Still, it was hard to keep his secret and at times he wished that he could tell them.

But it didn't matter anymore, because now he had been caught.



Patton winced as Logan let out a loud "falsehood!" And angry green zig-zags made its way across his vision. He and his fellow sides were Thomas with a problem that he had been having and Roman and Logan had gotten locked in a heated debate. The two were just short of yelling at each other at this point. And Thomas desperately trying to get them to calm down.

Virgil, on the other hand, was sitting at his place on the stairs quietly watching (which Patton was grateful for, he didn't think he could handle any more yelling) and Patton himself was trying to help Thomas calm his two kiddos down.

However, it was getting harder and harder to focus on the task at hand with all the colors and shapes making its way across his field of vision, normally he could ignore it but as his two friends' voices kept getting louder and louder it was growing harder and harder.

Within what felt like a couple of minutes Roman and Logan were full-on yelling at each other, their voices overlapping. Patton didn't even know what they were arguing about at this point. But it didn't matter, with their voices at such a loud volume and blended together The Moral Side's vision was filled with an overwhelming amount of colors and shapes.

Thomas froze in shock at the sudden volume change and Virgil winced from the noise but for the most part, stayed calm. Patton, on the other hand, slapped both hands around his ears tightly, squeezing his eyes shut. Hoping that it would all just stop, he was gaining a headache from both the noise and all the colors he was seeing. He was so focused on blocking out the noise that he didn't notice Virgil kicking in and yelling at them to "shut up" before turning to him with concern. All he noticed was the colors suddenly stopping, but that did nothing for his headache.

"Pat... Are you okay?" Virgil asked.

In the back of his mind, Patton knew how this must look. He was having the most extreme reaction out of all of them to Roman and Logan's arguing, which they did often, but they didn't understand. Yes, arguments were a common thing but never this loud! It was too much for him and he needed everyone to stop talking, and let him focus. And he was growing impatient.

"Virgil, shut up." He said, his voice coming out harsher than he intended to. Opening his eyes he saw that Virgil leaning away from him in shock along with everyone else, and he felt bad and he knew that he'd have to make sure to apologize later but right now he needed to focus.

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