Feelings unleashed ¿?

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Sasuke was already annoyed just looking at her,"come on you can't keep messing with your fingers it's annoying !" Hinata quickly stopped and looked at him with her soft lavender eyes. As sasuke looked at her only to realize how beautiful she is,"Hyuga we're going on a date and that's final."She turned beet red as she heard what sasuke said. "You me date right now !" He said. Grabbing her hand and started walking down the road,as clumsy as ever hinata wasn't paying attention and tripped over a rock,but instead of falling face down she was in the arms of uchiha sasuke. He carried her bridal style the rest of the until hinata had the courage to say "I-I can walk y-y-you know " Sasuke smirked "I don't think you can...says the girl who almost tripped over a rock" Hinata punched him square in the chest and was surprised at what she did. He looked down at her shocked at what she did "So I'm guessing you hate me don't you Hyuga? He smiled "Dont worry I hate you more than you can hate me!" Hinata felt like crying as those cold words slipped out of his mouth. She squirmed around and wanted to get free and run away. Then next thing she knew he dropped her right on the road and all you heard was a huge THUD. Getting up as fast as she could hinata ran into the woods and didn't looked back, tears streaming down her face on the warm spring night. Finally stopping she say down against a tree and let all her tears flow you as she replayed the words in her head "don't worry I hate you more than you can hate me"

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