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Hinata got up and opened her window to let Nauto in..."Hinata, Sakura and I broke up and I've realized that I love you and you only" She was speechless and had nothing to say..he had been her crush for the longest but he was all about Sakura...He cupped his hand on her cheek and gently kissed her.. Hinata pulled away quickly..."I'm sorry but I cant" huh ?! What do you mean Hinata" I'm in love with Sasuke and I have loved you for the longest...but you couldn't realize that so...this is it" Naruto felt heartbroken...he knew Sasuke had a thing for her but he didn't think it was that deep.." Well I'm sorry to biter you Hinata" he jumped out of her window and disappeared into the night.."I vow to make Hinata-chan mine !"he growled...Hinata had called Sasuke and asked if he could come over but she stuttered through most of the call..."Lady Hinata your husband is here to see you" He's not my husband yet !! Dummies!" He walked into her room and hugged her tightly...I need to confess to you..she nodded as he began to speak "It's annoying when you stutter but it's really cute, I hate how shy you are, also your not that weak but you are somewhat...though I don't care because I love you and you only" she remembered the same words Naruto said almost sounds identical to Sasuke's....Hinata started crying immediately.."F-f-first Naruto tells me he loves me..And now you 😔 I'm so confused Sasuke!! He stared at her and said "I meant what I said and I promise you I'll be by your side..hugging her closely he kissed her forehead...

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