The Stupid Genius (He Said)

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Eidlan gulped, afraid that his guess was right. He didn't see the twins from minutes ago, there were no more people who suddenly fell, no more people busy pacing at full speed. Bullets whizzed more frequently, a few times about hitting him if only he hadn't avoided — Fortunately Eidlan could estimate the direction of falling bullets from the calculation of sound, gravity, and whatever else. The woman in yellow suddenly called for encouragement, and the Jlanx saluted with her.

As if they had won 1-0.

Or maybe they actually had.

But at least, he still saw Alesh. That girl fought efficiently, not as fast as Vasyl, not as agile as Grier, and not as carefully as Eidlan, but still efficient. She snatched, struck, even punched and kicked. None of her part body remains silence. Awesome. He watches for a solid minute until a Jlanx punch his face.

Even so, it can't be denied that Alesh looks tired. She forced herself, and the Jlanxs knew that. They more often attack in a row to make her continually spin, block, and beat. Limited her time to breath, to make the asthma – Or whatever the disease is – come back.

"ALESH!" Eidlan tried to scream, seeing the way the Jlanxs stroke her chest. She almost fall on her back, ended up rest on her knees, coughing lots of red marks. Her head spinning, someone attack her ear to make it ringing.

Eidlan tried his best to reach her, only to make more Jlanxs hold his arms, legs, and targeting his face. Meanwhile Alesh dropped to the ground, doing the only thing she's able to do – Rolling to their feet like a bowling to its pins.

As she stole a dagger, Alesh started to realized that the twins had disappeared. Her legs weaker, she about to fell if she didn't punch first. Letting several bullets hit her, she looks around.

"Vasyl?" She tried to yelled, but it let out a weak whisperer, "Grier?"

The bullets dont feel so hurt, she's able to cure it and there's no more hurt rather than knowing that your friends are missing.


She flinched, beat one of the opponents and crouches down, "THANKS!"

"No prob!" He stabs another man who tried to hurt her, "Need help?"

"No, you just focus on your own battle!" Alesh give a payback by grab him behind her back and attack, "we must find the twins!"

Eidlan wasn't happy with Alesh's answer, he didn't want to have another friend seriously injured. But he had to admit that Alesh, unlike the twins, is confused with instructions. Her body is designed for fighting, her brain not. In fighting, her brain can only heal.

That also awesome.

A big man tried to attack his back, but Eidlan dodged and struck back. This is a dueling challenge, he realized that. The other Jlanxs got away a little, they didn't attack Eidlan, but they didn't attack Alesh either, they just grinned and paid attention.

"Eidlan Agrasa," called the man, "the first Latus."

Eidlan's jaw hardened, "Let's finish this."

The man raised his axe and struck Eidlan's shoulder. Eidlan dodged, giving a knife at the mans nape.

Alesh glanced from a distance, she realized that the Jlanxs divided themselves — One who attacked her and another who was silent and watched Eidlan.

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