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Line: One of many groups in the world

Obseqium: One of Line

Carbasa: A really beautiful cape for Obseqium woman when they do their MWD

N'hoed: A crown-like thing Obseqium man used when they do their MWD

Kryt: A fabric some Obseqium woman used

Bog Domum: Place for every Obseqium to do their MWD

Paruna: Books of Rules for Obseqium people

Akolouthos: One of Line

Convoco: A place for every Akolouthos to do their MWD

Nai-Dobriyat: The fanciest clothes you could imagine, used for every Akolouthos when they do their MWD

Stsenery: Books of Rules for Akolouthos people

Pax: One of Line

Sayniska: Books of Rules for Pax people

Zeshaniean: The blue animals

Zesh Island: A place where Zeshaniean live (which obviously, an island

Scietid: "Stupid scientist" acronym, Has's followers

Jlanx: Kids who are extremely strong, live with Scietids, some able to heal themselves quickly

Grestvren: Kids who are able to change themselves into a giant electricity thing

Neshr: Kids who are able to change themselves into a shadowish-electric thing, stretch themselves a little bit, and sometimes walk through everything in immaculate speed (that way that easy to kill and hard to killed), Fun fact: Only able to change in a group (IDK whether it's obvious or not so...)

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