but I knew him

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Major preparations are underway as Cube is in the process of launching a brand new girl group. The final line up has been decided, and a directors meeting including the fresh faces of Cube's latest endeavour have gathered to decide on a name for the group.

(1 month predebut)

Mangers, Cube's rookie development team, producers and various staff. The girls are rushed into the room, Yuqi first, followed by Soyeon,Soojin,Shuhua,Miyeon and Minnie.

"So, our head project manager for your team has decided on a name, were thinking about (G)i-dle. What do you think?"

Soyeon, the chosen leader of the group, slightly tilted her head and processed the information.

"What does that mean exactly?"

"Yeoja" for girls, and "aideul" for kids, it's fun and refreshing don't you think?"

"Hm, maybe "IDLE" can represent our different personalities, that is our charm, I think, no?"

The project director agreed. They continued with the conversations trying to set up a meaning behind the name, the graphics, their first album cover, but at the very corner of the table one member was lost in thought.

Minnie nodded along enthusiastically, but she was not really absorbing any words.

'That all sounds great and all, but I wonder how these next few weeks are going to go, I'm already stressed about our debut, but mostly our MCOUNTDOWN show in Taipei. I wonder if I can pull it off...'

After the meeting the girls head back to their dorm, with a new name came new excitement, they had decided to call themselves IDLE in everyday conversation.

(1 week predebut)

Soyeon: " 6:00pm practice room, we've decided on covering 'Fake Love' yeah?"

The other members gave a vague nod towards her comment. Fake Love was not a personal choice from the members, rather a more strategic option. It was new, exciting and hugely hyped as BTS had just comeback with a dark, and honestly sexy concept. It was sure to get them attention at MCOUNTDOWN.

Shuhua clutched her phone passively monitoring BTS' comeback stage for the song with Soojin nestled on the couch.

"Soojin-unnie can do Jungkook's part! The sexy shirt lift!" She laughed while teasing Soojin by tugging her shirt. Soojin giggled in reply, still observing the performance, 'tough act to follow' she thought.

Minnie finally entered the impromptu screening,

"What's this?"

She nestled beside Shuhua peering into the small iphone screen. Minnie's interest heightened as she saw Jimin lead the pre-chorus.

Soojin glanced at Minnie and added,

"You should do this part Minnie. Your vocal tone is similar, plus don't you think your dreamy concept fits his?"

She added a teasing smirk at the end.

Minnie nodded in reply,

"Maybe I should, "

A few hours later the girls had finished their first practice for their Fake Love cover. Things had went smoothly as they decided to chop up the song a little bit shorter adding a few elements removing a few. They had returned to their dorm.

Currently 11:00pm.

Minnie laid in her bed watching and rewatching the Fake Love performances, she kept clicking on the recommended on youtube one after another.

'Will I get the feeling right? The song needs to be expressed well.'

Mindlessly she clicked on the next video and this time it was a fancam, a Park Jimin fancam to be specific.


she looked at the phone in disbelief,

'must be good....let's see what they hypes about.'

She watched his body move fluidly..almost like water? She could tell Jimin had a small frame, but there was a lot of muscle under the white shirt that kept tugging as he moved his body to the music.

'The sheer power...wow. He's really...sexy?'

She couldn't think of words to describe him, but she rewatched the fancam again and again. Like almost every person on the planet she knew about BTS, but she wasn't exactly an ARMY.

'I wonder if I'll ever meet him...in  real life. Will he know me? I mean, when we debut? I mean I know him, but does he keep track of other idols?  I guess we will have to be successful first for him to notice, aha.'

Minnie joked in her mind, but she couldn't stop thinking about Jimin as she dazed into sleep, maybe she might become an ARMY after all.

IDLE debut with their major hit LATATA, it dominates charts and becomes a hot topic for idols. Does BTS know the new rookies on the block?

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