the threesome

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Taehyung cracked into a boxy grin, cut the call and lowered his phone, leaning into the frame of the doorway, arms crossed.

"See, I understand why you would do this, but -- " he eyed the rookie up and down, "was it necessary to rip her clothes off?" He nonchalantly pointed to her thigh. The cut had run up pretty high, just missing her underwear.

"Shut up Taehyung, it's not what it looks like." Jimin finished tying the blazer around her waist, so that the damage done by the sink on the dress was no longer visible.

"How'd you find me? Sejin?"

Taehyung nodded, his eyes still locked on Minnie, "He told me there was a washroom down here, didn't know it was in use."

Minnie realized Taehyung was joking with them, but she wasn't exactly sure as he looked quite dead serious.

Jimin however didn't feel the need to really explain what had happened. He put his hand on the small of Minnie's back and guided her toward the door, "I'll take you to your waiting room"

Taehyung nodded in agreement. "I guess I'll come too" 

but before all three of them could leave, voices filled the corridor.

"shit" Taehyung swiftly stepped in and shut the door, the space even more cramped than before, He then pressed his ear against the door, listening. "Don't talk unless yall wanna end up on the news. These bastards will sell us out."

Minnie realized he was talking about the idols who had returned during the break section. "sell us out?" does he mean rumours? 

The space was now so small, Minnies back was pressed into Jimin's chest. She could feel his quiet breaths on her neck, sending chills down her spine. He tried to keep his distance but the wall behind him wouldn't let him step back any further. Minnie would move further up, but that would mean walking right into Taehyung. Without choice she stood sandwiched between two very good looking men, but couldn't enjoy any second of it as the stress of the situation was killing her. 

All three held their breath as they heard footsteps echoing towards them. 

"Please leave, please leave, please " 

The noise of the groups subsided, and seemed to pass. Taehyung, who had his ear pressed against the door this whole ordeal, relaxed his expression. 

"I think they left" He whispered. 

"Okay so let's get out" Jimin said. 

Taehyung nodded and pushed the door open. Minnie intended to follow, but walked face first into Taehyung's broad back. 

why did he stop? 

Minnie peered around his Taehyung's huge back, and was shocked to see Jeongyeon from Twice. She was dressed in a beautiful black dress, with a silver bodice. She was one of the most sought out idols by men, 

no wonder why, look at those legs, thought Minnie 

It had looked like she was waiting for the washrooms vacancy. She too looked caught off guard.

 Instantly Taehyung took the hand he had behind the door that Jeongyeoncouldn't see and pushed Jimin into the farthest corner of the small stall. Jimin looked flustered but followed lead, and stayed put.

"I -- I was just waiting for, the uh--" She looked over Taehyung, trying to identify who Minnie was, once she figured it out, her expression changed, looking almost smug. It looked like she hadn't seen Jimin. "So, are you done, with the washroom I mean?" 

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