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Hello everyone! Skylor here! So... in this story, all of me and the other elemental master masters except the ninjas will tell one story each about a thing that happened when we were children or... under 18 was the limit I think... So anyway! My story happened when I was five! 

You see, my father was showing me around in the factory on the island and when he turned away to talk to Clouse, you know that parents say that the worst always happens when you look away? Yeah, so when he was talking to Clouse I saw some long and cold noodles and thought that I would do something fun with them... So I started tieing them around the factory... I don't really remember what I was thinking I guess I had some idea of creating an obstacle Course? So I was almost out of noodles when I heard my father yell at Clouse... Something like: What do you mean she's not here?' Then I had an idea of messing with him so I hid behind the noodle machine. And then I heard several 'ows' and 'watch it' when my father and Clouse was trying to tackle my small 'course' I think they've looked for me an hour before they found me, my father grounded me and forced me to clean up the mess I've made but being only five years old I just ate all the noodles!

So yeah... that's my story! I think Gravis is next... BYE!

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