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Hello everyone! Camille here and I'm the last master to yell you a story about a thing that happened when I was a child! Seven to be precise!

So one time when I was walking home from school I got a brilliant idea. I turned into a dog and started running home, I thought I would get home faster but I was SO wrong! Suddenly someone threw a net at me and threw me into a car. I don't know for how long it was driving but I was so scared I didn't dare to change back! If it was someone dangerous it meant I could defend myself if I was a dog! Then a man put a collar around my neck and dragged me into a house full of other dogs. Then he pushed me into a cage and all the other animals started barking and screeching. Yep! It was an animal shelter! I was so scared but I turned back into a human and just started crying and screaming "I want my mommy!" Then the man that captured me just ran in and opened the cage... I just kept screaming for my mom and it took then minutes for the man to get me to tell him where I lived so he could drive me back home. BUT! He actually offered me a small kitten that my mom didn't let me keep... Yeah, it took a while for me to forgive my mom for that but I'm just happy that I changed back before someone adopted me!

I hope you liked me and the other masters telling you about our childhood! BYE!

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