"A Civilized Conversation"

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(Yui's POV)
As I came out from that dark corner Aya had sent me to, I quickly realized who had won. Well, it was kinda obvious, even for me. Aya was literally standing over them.

I smiled with relief. My Oni-chan really was the strongest person on Earth!

As I ran over to her to hug her, I could hear them saying something, but I didn't listen. I snuggled close to Aya, and a relaxed smile spread over my face. I was so happy that she could be here!

But then, something caught my eye. A shiny object, glittering in the sun of the window. As I turned around, I felt my heart stop.

It was that badge. When we were little girls, and Aya had just started out as a Vampire Hunter, she showed me something similar to it. She told me that, if a vampire had that badge, she couldn't hunt them down.

This time, fear took over me, and I clung to her chest. This meant she wasn't allowed to break me out of here. I glared at Reiji from my curls as he spoke. "Now can we please talk about this like civil humans?'

We all moved to the living room, and I tried to sit as close to Oni-chan as possible. I was scared to hell of these Sakamaki's, and I knew Aya could protect me.

Oni-chan wrapped her arms around me, which I was grateful for.I sighed happily and allowed myself to relax, but I still listened in.

Reiji was the first to speak.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Reiji Sakamaki. I would say it's a pleasure for you to meet my brothers, but sadly, I'm the only one here who's willing to even introduce everybody." Aya merely nodded.

"The deadbeat over there is the oldest of all if us, Shu

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"The deadbeat over there is the oldest of all if us, Shu. I wouldn't try to start conversation with him; I'm afraid he's not even at that level." Shu seemed unfazed about the insult, and Aya looked at him with interest.

"That over there are the triplets, Ayato, Laito and Kanato, Ayato being the oldest

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"That over there are the triplets, Ayato, Laito and Kanato, Ayato being the oldest." Aya rolled her eyes as he smirked at her.

Laito winked her at her, and was shot back with a death glare

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Laito winked her at her, and was shot back with a death glare. I shivered. I would not want to be at the end of that golden-eyed stare.

Kanato looked away from her grudgingly, obviously still angry at her for the jab earlier

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Kanato looked away from her grudgingly, obviously still angry at her for the jab earlier. And Aya didn't attempt to apologize; she looked away from him too, and focused on Teddy, inspecting him for anything dangerous, I guess.

 And Aya didn't attempt to apologize; she looked away from him too, and focused on Teddy, inspecting him for anything dangerous, I guess

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"And finally, over there is Subaru. I would try not to anger him; he has a tendency for punching walls when his temper is unleashed, and I do not enjoy having to pay for that." Aya chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure that if his punch couldn't even land me, it can't be that strong."
Subaru glared at her, but got over it soon enough.

"Subaru glared at her, but got over it soon enough

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Finally, all eyes turned to Aya. I was surprised that Shu actually half-opened his eyes to look at her, because he rarely did that for anybody.

She coughed, 'Ahem,' and started up.

"My name is Aya Sakamaki, and I am Yui's older sister. Vampire Hunter on the side, as you can see. I enjoy reading poetry and playing piano."
Reiji's head perked up at the mention of poetry, and Laito smiled, a genuine smile, when he heard she liked to play piano, his main instrument.

"Reiji's head perked up at the mention of poetry, and Laito smiled, a genuine smile, when he heard she liked to play piano, his main instrument

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Shu seemed impressed that she could play it. And Kanato's eyes widened, with a glint of excitement when she said, "I can also cook."

After that, Reiji muttered, "Ahem," before saying, "I shall escort you to your room, Miss Sakamaki."

She looked worriedly at me, and I tried to reassure her the best I could silently, but I was still scared..

Reiji caught on, and said, "Don't worry, I shall send your younger sister to her room while you're settling in."

He looked sternly at his brothers and noted, "And nobody will touch her."

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