Love Again

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Angel ducked into the limo, immediately leaning into the cushions to get comfy. The mysterious driver, the One With No Name, slams the door behind him, leaving to fill the driver's seat. However, before Angel can begin to blank out for what he assumed would be a lame trip back to the hotel, he notices a little ol' bug across from him. She's staring out of the window, seemingly bored out of her mind.

Vaggie stares as hard as she could at everything but the pest across from her. She just wanted to drown him out of her mind. Just slightly referencing that makes her pinch her nose, and she shifts around, burrowing even further into the seat. Just to have a clear mind around him would be nice. Maybe blocking him out will keep her sane.

"Hey... hey, toots!" Vaggie's eye rolled to the back of her head and she groaned. Still, she didn't answer. Angel scoffed, and shifted in his seat, laying on his back. "Hey! Hey, hey, Doll! Dish! Hey, dame!" Ok, now he was starting to be irritating on purpose. Vaggie turned even further away from him, and glared at everything passing outside. "Come on, you can't ignore me forever, baby! Vaggie! Come on, it's serious, I swear!" Even though the more sensible side of her advised otherwise, Vaggie ignored these thoughts and turned to the spider man.

"What?" She asked. Her tone was very distant and dry. Angel smiled, fluttering his eyes at her. She blushed a little, and squinted her eye at him. He wiggles his multiple sets of fingers at her. "Hi."

"Uggghhhh, Angel could you please, NOT today, please?!" She continued trying to disappear into the seat. Angel nonetheless laughed obnoxiously at her. Why was she even remotely interested in this fool?!

"Oh, calm down. Just tryna make you laugh."

"By being annoying?"

"Annoying? You mean lovable, right?" Vaggie groaned at him, and began pinching her nose even tighter. Angel clicks his tongue, thoughtlessly saying, "Hah, yeah, love you too, babe." For a second, he and Vaggie freeze, and they glance up at each other. Red-faced and stunned, they look away. Angel pulls at his bow tie some. "Ah, I mean..." he laughs nervously. Dammit, that was supposed to be saved for another day! A more romantic setting, too! Damn...! Yet, all Vaggie does is sigh.

"That's..." That's great, I love you too!

... But she's not so sure how he'd take that in response. He could be doing that thing he does, saying anything that comes to mind to get a reaction out of her.

"That's not funny, Angel." Vaggie turns away from both the window and the demon, bringing her knees into her chest. She rests her head against the seat. "Besides, I woud never set myself up like that again." Angel is still somewhat embarrassed by his outburst, yet he still manages to speak in such a confident manner. "Whaddya mean?" He asks. Vaggie huffs. "I'm never falling in love again." Angel shakes his head. "What? Heh, that can't be true! You can't turn off emotions, baby..." his facade falters for a moment, making him trail off on a weird tone. As if he were asking a question, instead of making a statement. "Well, maybe not but I'll try." Vaggie says cooly. Angel makes a face. "Even if you hurt yourself?" He asks. Vaggie shrugged. "Even if I hurt myself." Angel frowns. He sits up, and folds his arms. The way he spoke, it sounded like he was kind of pouting, and something more. Like he was pouting, and was maybe a little... hurt.

"How could you not want to fall in love?"

"Easy — I don't want my happiness to depend on another person. I don't want my feelings to be based on whether they give me attention or not. I don't wanna stay up late wondering if they're thinking about me. I don't wanna cry for someone who probably doesn't even care about me. I don't wanna wait up, staring at my screen waiting for a text that'll never come." Vaggie sighs, closing her eyes for a moment. "And, above all else..."

"I don't want to give anybody the power to destroy me."

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