Party Crasher

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Finally! The tree had finally been set and the food was just about ready! Charlie clapped her hands together, brushing off some of the glitter in the process. "Alright! Well! The decorations are all up and the food's almost done —we're just waiting on the ham and some sides to finish cooking, so!— I have an idea!"

"No, I don't like ideas." Husk takes a swing of whatever alcoholic beverage he's drinking this time, and sneers even more than usual. Charlie pouts and Angel huffs. "Really, you don't say? Didn't seem much like a thinker anyway." Vaggie chuckles, and Husk groans. "Ok, smartass, I don't like Charlie's ideas. How's that?" He takes another swing as Alastor raises a brow at him, grinning (creepily) as per usual. "Oh, dear! What's so terrible about my sweet Charlie's ideas, hmm?" He asks. Husk tsks and looks elsewhere. "Ugh, everything —especially the stupid parts." He takes a swig. "So, all the parts." He adds. Seeing Alastor's grin turn somewhat sinister, Nifty laughs nervously and puts a hand on Husk's leg. "Oh, come on~ Huskie! Charlie's ideas are fun, just give it a chance!" She makes the best moe face that she can, and Husk turns up his nose at her. With a groan, he turns away. A little red in the cheeks, he mumbles, "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Taking this as the chance to pitch her idea, Charlie leaps onto the couch, standing beside a relaxing Alastor. "In order to pass the time while the rest of the food cooks, let's~...!" She points at Nifty and Millie. "Drumroll, please!" They give her what she wants, smiling as they do so.

"SING A SONG!!" Everyone claps with the exception of Husk and Criminy. "See, this is the shit I'm talking about." Husk moans, taking another swing of his drink. "Oh, don't knock it till you try it, Suskie!" Nifty whines. Alastor nods satisfactorily. "Yes, don't, Husk, my dear friend. As both Charlie's business partner and partner, I second this idea! It's splendid, my love!" He says, to which Charlie beams at him. Soon, everyone is agreeing, and seeing as they were singled out, Husk and Criminy give in. "Fine, but I won't like it." Criminy says. Alastor looks to Charlie. "Take it away, love! Dazzle us." Charlie clears her throat. "Well, this is just a little something I've been working on, so, listen closely, please!" She then begins to sing her cute little Christmas carol.

On the first day of Christmas, my Lover gave to me,

Alastor's ears perked up for a moment.

One darling Nifty just for me!

On the second day of Christmas, my Lover gave to me: two dead reporters, and a darling little Nifty just for me!

On the third day of Christmas, my Lover gave to me: three deadly imps, two dead reporters, and a darling little Nifty just for me!

On the fourth day of Christmas, my Lover gave to me: four empty caskets, three deadly imps, two dead reporters and a darling little Nifty just for me!

On the fifth day of Christmas my Lover gave to me: five Hell Hounds! Four empty caskets, three deadly imps, two dead reporters and a darling little Nifty just for —


Everyone snapped their heads to the giant hole in the wall. It was just a few inches from where Vaggie and Angel were standing, that is, in the archway connecting their kitchen and living room. The couple stare at the intruder, who was climbing out of their elaborate machine. It was none other than that damn Sir Pentious.

Vaggie's face was twitching and a bright red, boiling with rage —she seemed too stunned to even say anything! Angel, on the other hand:

"What the FUCK have you done?!" He screams. Sir Pentious chuckles nervously, taking off his hat to give a courteous nod. "Ah, pardon me! Erm, is the, ahm..." he clears his throat. "Is this the residence of the self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse, Miss Cherri Bomb?" Finally regaining her voice, Vaggie screeches, "GET THE HELL OUT!!" She summons a spear and throws it at him. Sir Pentious squeaks and ducks, just barely escaping an arrow to the forehead. He puts his hat back on and holds up his hands defensively. "Wait just a moment, now! I've made a truce with you all for the sake of enjoying the holidays, so!—" Angel cuts him off before he can finish. "Yeah, well you just fucking broke your end of the deal, so you know what that means, flunky?" Angel grins devilishly, and as if on cue, everyone in the room tenses up, coming together with their weapons in hand. "The deal's off, my good sir!" Alastor chirps. Sir Pentious gulps, not knowing what will hit him but being very aware of what'll happen next. "Y'know where we put snakes back in my hometown?" Angel asks. Sir Pentious stiffly shakes his head. Angel laughs.

"We toss 'em in the Overcoat!" He pulls out his extra set of arms and rapidly fires his large gun at Sir Pent; all the same, Alastor begins his broadcast, Vaggie throws more of her spears, Charlie summons her flames, and basically —nothing short of hellfire rains on the poor old snake man.

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