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"Wow, you suck."

"I suck a lot, that's true."

"Hahah, eww, Angel, that's gross!" Vaggie giggles. She continues flicking her brush back and forth across the wall, coloring in an attempt at drawing ol' Husker boy himself. Angel stood tall beside her, having just finished his own drawing.

"Gross? Eh, sure; gross but true." Angel says, grinning cheekily. "Besides, my drawing's much better than yours." Knowing just how to bait her, Angel awaits the reply that is sure to come. Red-cheeked, Vaggie scoffs. "As if! Compared to yours, mine is better than Piccasso." Angel laughs, saying, "Who?" Vaggie groans.

"Good job, happy, happy, hazbeans! Keep 'on painting!" Charlie shouts. Other demons begin to chuckle and laugh at the silly sounding name, and somewhere nearby, Husk could be heard groaning. Angel and Vaggie go wide-eyed, and they glance at each other as their faces begin to redden. Stiffly, they force their attention onto their small murals. "She's so fucking embarresing," Angel grumbles. "She's... trying..." Vaggie struggles to say the right words. "She's trying to be encouraging... I guess." Pushing her mind away from the moment of humiliation, Vaggie looks back to Angel's drawing.

"What the hell is that, anyway?" She asks. Angel nevertheless smirks. "Guess." He demands. Vaggie chuckles, crossing her arms. "Err, is that a... turkey?" Angel shook his head. "A rooster?" He chuckled. "Nope!" He chirps. Vaggie shrugs. "A red chewbacca?" Angel scoffs. "C'mon, you can't tell?" Before Vaggie could reply, he waved dismissively at her. "Alright, I'll give ya a hint:"

"Nasty, yella ass teeth."


"Don't believes in showers,"


"Pompous, cheesy, talk show shitlord --"

"Oooooh!" Vaggie snorts, bursting into a bundle of laughter. Angel laughs along with her, but nonetheless pokes fun at her. "Can't believe it took ya that long!" Angel huffs. Vaggie blows a raspberry. "Yeah, well, I figured it out --great drawing, babe. Really brings out his shittiness."

"Oh, what's this?" Vaggie and Angel glance behind them to see nobody. However, a small, "Down here!" reveals the speaker.

Nifty stares up at their paintings, particularly Angel's with curiosity. "What's that, an animal?" Angel smirks. "Something like that," He says. "Summon it!' Nifty shouts. Angel and Vaggie stare at her incredulously. "Huh?" Vaggie huffs. Nifty tsks and shoves the two out of the way. Her eye rolls to the back of her head she mumbles a chant. Raising her hands like a mummy, she grumbles, "Hellica, hellica, madoka magica," And the image peels itself from the wall. Vaggie and Angel simply stand back and stare, their jaws hanging loose. The Radio Demon himself appears out of the nearby sewer and eyes the Radio Chewbacca curiously.

"What a fine specimen!" He shrieks. Alastor holds out his bare elbow and says seductively, "Shall I take you home, dear?" Radio Chewbacca blushes somehow. It seems that Alastor's inquiry got through to them! They link a limb with Alastor and the two stroll down the street. Charlie watches, completely dumbfounded.

"Was I... Is he... Did I just get replaced?" Charlie asks in a stutter. Everyone looks to the poor baby.


The End.

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