Active Duty

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"Please, please don't go."

Angel glances over his shoulder to stare. Forcing a lump down his throat before it became too noticeable, he grins. His golden tooth shines beautifully. 

"Have to, babe --"

"BUT WHY?!" Her small frame heaves and ho-s, pulsing as she fails to control her airy breaths.

Angel and Vaggie stare at each other. Both are red-faced, their bodies flushed with heat as the air becomes weight upon them. Angel feigns nonchalance, clearing his throat. 

"Just business, baby. I'll be back soon, I promise --" Angel begins. Vaggie interrupts him, shouting, "No!" 

Silence ensues. Tears well up at the eyes, no matter how hard she tries to hold them back. But she's not gonna cry, not now and --dammit, not ever if she can avoid that.

She didn't cry when he finally proposed. No, no she didn't. 

In fact, she laughed. 


She laughed, grinned, and blushed as she watched the server lay down a small desert platter between her and Angel. Looking up at the spider man knowingly, Vaggie pointed at the ring set on top of a small ornament. 

"This for me?" She asked. Angel shrugged. 

"Ah, well, it was for some other dame, but cha'know..." Hauntingly, Angel gives an intense stare. He calculatively stands and grabs the ring from the platter, getting down onto one knee. 

Vaggie immediately notices the familiar faces suddenly revealing themselves around her: her best friend, Charlie, her frenemy-colleague, Alastor, other buddies, like Nifty, Husker, Criminy, Cherri Bomb --hell, even Sir Pentious decided to come! Feeling like the star of the show, Vaggie focuses on her love. 

"Vaggie, moll," Angel says, "my sexy little ol' bug," Vaggie rolls her eyes and giggles at the familiar phrase. 

"Vaggie, will you marry me?" He asks. Vaggie promptly holds out her left hand expectantly. 

"Of course I will!" She chirps. As everyone begins to cheer and clap, Angel slides the ring onto Vaggie's slim finger. 

"You know you didn't even have to ask, right?" She adds, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifts her. 

"Heheh, sure." To this, they kiss...


Yeah... even at that moment, she didn't cry. And that wouldn't be the first nor last time she didn't cry at such a tender moment, even with Angel.

She didn't cry when their child was born. No, no. Instead, she only smiled and cheered.

Why would she cry? The birth of their child was the most beautiful thing they'd ever experienced; the most beautiful thing she'd ever experienced. 


Why, the sweet babe had the most adorable set of eyes, and deep purplish color to her fur. She even had freckled shoulders and a cute little heart imprinted over her belly! 

"I told you the heart on my fur wasn't a tattoo!" Angel huffs, his many limbs reaching to pry the baby away from Vaggie. "C'mon, she's so cute! Lemme hold her, Vaggs!" 

Teasingly, Vaggie turns away from Angel, cradling the baby even closer. "Nope! She's all mine right now!" Angel pouts. He grabs a hold of the bed's frame and pulls himself upon the swivel chair to the other side of the room. 

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