Chapter Four

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*Matthew's POV*

The grounds were soaked from the rain and it was only going to get worse. "Robert we should go inside. Tomorrow it will be easier. We will be dry and fully rested." I called to him hoping to snap some sense into him.

"I have to find her Matthew! I have to find her before it's too late! She could be hurt or lost or worse!" He yelled pushing forward. Isis was beside him the whole time taking care of her master. I turned to my left to see William.

"Have you ever seen him act like this?" I asked him quite curious why this normally put together man was so broken over a girl who he barely knows. I looked down to see the faint remainders of foot prints. They probably were created at the beginning of this storm. "I found something!" I yelled to the others while following the tracks. William ran with me to the edge of the hill.

"There's someone down there!" William yelled looking down at the base of the steep hill. "I don't think they're conscious. We have to get down there." He said about to jump down the hill. I grabbed him by the collar.

"Wait!" I yelled pulling him to my side. "Bates has rope. Wait for him and the others to get here and then we can act." William looked at me then the person.

"They don't have time to wait. Who knows how long they have been there!" William yelled before sliding down the hill. The rain was pounding down.

"Bloody hell," I muttered under my breath. "Men! Over here!" I yelled to the others. Soon the other men surrounded me and looked down the hill. William was at the bottom with the person who now I could see fit cousin Robert's description. William gently picked up the young woman and tried to climb but slipped and slid down the hill. As he slid he hit a large rock with his arm. He let out a yell of pain. "William! Are you alright?" I called down ready to slide down the hill to help.

"I'm okay!" William called up. "It's too steep and slippery to climb." He gently laid the young girl down and looked around trying to find a way out. "There are a bunch of fallen trees blocking any other way out." He kneeled down and checked on Alice. William took his coat off and laid it on top of her.

"We need to get them out of there!" Cousin Robert yelled about to jump down the hill. Carson and I both grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back away from the edge.

"My lord please be calm." Carson said trying to snap the poor man out of his hysterics. "Barrow, Branson. Throw the rope down. We will pull them up."

"William we are going to throw a rope down." I called down to the poor boy. "Tie it around the girl and we'll pull her up then do the same for you." He nodded. I showed a thumbs up to Barrow and Branson and they proceeded to throw the rope down. William attempted to tie the rope but his hurt arm was getting in the way.

"Bloody hell mate." Barrow muttered under his breath.

"I'll go down and help," I said and slid, quite gracefully, down the hill to William and Alice. "William how are you?"

"Take her up. She needs the help more than me." William said still trying to tied the rope. He groaned in pain as he tried.

"Stop it before you hurt yourself more." I grabbed the rope out of his hands and tied the knot. Together we carried her closer to the edge of the hill.

"Pull!" We yelled together as we lifted her up into the air to help those at the top. Soon she was at the top in Branson's arms. The rope came back down. I grabbed it and tied it around Williams waist. I wrapped my arm around his waist and we started to climb. The men at the top pulled us to the edge and to safety. As we got to the top, the storm seemed to lighten up.

"Thank you William and Matthew." Robert said as he patted my back. "I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"We need to get back to the house." Branson interrupted. The poor girl was in his arms still unconscious. Mr. Bates pulled a blanket out of the bag draped over his shoulder and wrapped it around the poor girl.

"She's cold as ice my lord." Bates chimed into the conversation as he held a hand to the girl's forehead.

"Barrow go a head with William and tell them to fetch the doctor." Robert ordered. The two nodded and started running.

"I'll go with them. Tell the ladies what happened." I said and started running.

It didn't take too long to get back to the house at a run. The three of us rushed into the house, covered in mud and absolutely exhausted. I ran to the telephone while Barrow ran downstairs to get blankets. "Hello I need Dr. Clarkson." I panted into the telephone. The operator put me through to the hospital. Soon I heard Clarkson's voice on the other end. "Clarkson, Matthew Crawley here. We need you to Downton as soon as possible. A girl around sixteen is dreadfully hurt. She is a guest of Lord Grantham. She ran off and fell down a hill during the storm. She was knocked unconscious. We need you urgently." I was practically yelling by the end.

"I understand. I will be there as soon as possible. In the meantime get her under blankets and have lukewarm water compress on her forehead. If there are any cuts put bandages on. Lady Sybil can help." He hung up and when I turned around Lady Mary and Lady Grantham were standing in the hallway taken aback by William and I's appearance.

"What has happened?" Mary asked looking between the two of us.

"I will explain later, but I need you to get Sybil." I said with the utmost of urgency in my voice. I turned to Lady Grantham. "The others should be here shortly with Alice. Dr. Clarkson should be here soon as well."

"What is going on? Who is Alice?" Mary looked baffled at having to be ordered around.

"Dear I will explain later. Get your sister now. It's a matter of urgency. I promise to explain later." Cora said to her daughter as the doors opened again. Branson ran in with Alice still in his arms, the others followed quickly after. "Get her into a room upstairs. Clarkson is on his way." Cora said trying to be calm in this crazy situation. Mary finally left to get Sybil. Branson hurried up the stairs with Cora leading the way.

I went and stood by William. He looked awfully pale and was soaking wet, even more so than the rest of us. "Are you okay William?" He was about to answer when he stumbled on his feet. I was able to catch him and help him sit on the ground. Robert ran over worried now about the man who helped save the young girl he seemed to care deeply about.

"He needs to rest," Robert says. "Lets get him to his room."

"I will take him my lord." Carson said and walked over to where William and I were. I helped Carson get William to his feet and was going to help when Carson spoke. "No need Mr. Crawley." He wrapped one of William's arms around his shoulder and started for the stairs. Mr. Bates stood at attention waiting for an order. Barrow came in from downstairs with blankets.

"Lady Grantham and Mr. Branson took Alice upstairs." Robert said. Barrow nodded and rushed up the stairs. Robert began to pace. The worry was now clearly etched on his face.

"Robert I may not know what your connection with that young Alice is but I know that you care for her." I reckoned to Robert. He went to speak but I raised my hand to stop him. "Go upstairs and be by her side. I will wait here with Bates for Dr. Clarkson." I insisted. Robert looked to Bates and he nodded. "Go Robert. Your nerves won't be eased down here." He sighed and ran up the stairs.

"Strange day it is, isn't it Mr. Bates?" I inquired to Bates. He smiled and nodded.

"Just another eventful day in Downton."

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