Chapter Seven

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*Alice's POV*

My eyes fluttered awake. I looked around the room. No one was in here with me. My heart started to race. I looked around trying to find the bell Sybil gave me. Seeing it, I grabbed it and rang it. My hand was shaking so much that I barely had to put in the effort. Soon an older woman walked in.

"Yes miss?" She popped her head in. When she saw my distress she hurried to my side. "It's okay love. You're okay." Her voice was comforting like a mothers. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" She asked holding me at arms length.

"I-I..." stuttered out of my mouth. I was too anxious to say anything. My body continued to shake in fear. I have only felt like this a few times, but Aunt Maria always knew what to do.

"It's okay sweetie. I just need you to breathe." The kind woman said while rubbing my back. "Breathe in." She said while doing it herself. "Breathe out," she exhaled dramatically getting me to giggle. "See everything is fine." She smiled and pulled me into another hug.

A few minutes later the shaking stopped and I could form a coherent sentence. "Wh-Who are you?" I stuttered.

The woman smiled before answering, "Mrs. Hughes. I'm housekeeper here at Downton." She stood up slowly as if her body was reluctant to stop it's rest. "Do you need anything love?"

"Some tea? And could you ask Sybil to come here please?" I asked meekly. I'm still not comfortable with the whole giving orders thing yet.

"Of course milady. I will be right back." Mrs. Hughes smiled and left the room. I looked around the room. I might as well get acquainted with it if I'm going to be on bed rest for a week.

A few moments later I heard a knock on the door causing me to jump. I didn't expect Mrs. Hughes to be that fast. "Come in!" I called sitting up in the bed. The door opened to show my father. "O-Oh! L-Lord Gr-Grantham!" I stuttered trying to sit up more.

"It's okay and you can call me Robert. I'm your father after all." He said walking into the room. "I hope you are doing okay."

"I-I'm feeling a bit b-better." I stuttered again. I looked at him trying to figure out what family semblance I had with him. "Y-You know I-I don't s-see any family se-semblance between us." He laughed and walked over to the chair next to my bed.

He spoke as he sat in it. "Yes well you do have a lot of your mother's good looks." A faint smile appeared on his face. "You do have my eyes. Your mother had very dark eyes. It was quite odd paired with her bright red hair."

"D-Do you miss my mother?" I asked sheepishly hoping I wouldn't trigger any anger. He looked off for a moment thinking about my words.

"I do. She was a wonderful woman. I may not be proud of my actions, but I'm glad I did it." I looked at him confused. "If I didn't do it, I wouldn't have another beautiful daughter." I blushed and looked down. The door opened and Mrs. Hughes came in with a tray in her arms.

"Oh sorry for interrupting." She apologized as she placed the tray on my lap. "Here's your tea milady." I smiled and gave her a quiet thank you. "Lady Sybil said she will come up when she is done her rounds which should be in twenty minutes."

"Thank you Mrs. Hughes." I said and looked to my father and then back to Mrs. Hughes. "Can you send William up here with a book? I feel bad I fell asleep during his story earlier today." Mrs. Hughes looked a little shocked before looking at my father. My father nodded and Mrs. Hughes smiled and nodded back. She left the room and went to find William.

"You seem to be getting along with William." My father said as I poured milk into my tea.

"He is a nice man." I said slightly embarrassed. "I don't know why, but there is something about him that makes me feel safe. I've never felt like that before." I suddenly stopped and looked up at my father worried that I slipped up.

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