Chapter Eight

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*William's POV*

Her beautiful eyes closed. I tried to shake her awake, but she wouldn't. For once she looked peaceful. When I got to her room I laid her down and placed a blanket over her. I smiled when I saw the book we were reading earlier was still on her bedside table.

The others walked into the room in a loud hustle. I turned around and placed a finger to my lips shushing them. They turned their focus to see Alice peacefully asleep on the bed.

"Is she okay?" Lord Grantham asked worriedly.

"She seems fine m'lord. Just tired." I said standing in proper posture.

"That's good to hear. I still want Dr. Clarkson to see her though." I nodded and stepped away from Alice's bed. Lady Sybil stepped forward and checked Alice's vitals.

"She seems fine. Heart rate is slightly elevated, but other than that she is just exhausted." Lady Sybil said with a look of relief on her face. "Lets go finish dinner and I'll wait here until Dr. Clarkson is here."

"I can stay here milady while you finish dinner." I offered to Lady Sybil.

"That is very kind of you William. If anything changes yell for one of us." Lady Sybil lead the rest of her family out of the bedroom. I sighed and relaxed my posture. I picked up the book off of the bedside and began to read a story. The story was Briar Rose, a story my mother would read to my sisters before they passed away. This story was always her favorite to read.

"A king and a queen once upon a time reigned in a country a great way off, where in those days there were fairies." I read aloud. As I read I felt more relaxed and Alice seemed more relaxed in her sleep. I was in the middle of the next story, Rumpelstiltskin, when Dr. Clarkson entered the room with Lady Sybil behind him. As soon as I saw them I stood straight up in attention.

"Easy William." Sybil said kindly as she walked to the other side of the bed. "How is she?"

"The same as you left, milady." I responded with a slight bow.

"William no need to be formal with me. Right now I'm simply a nurse." Sybil said before turning to Dr. Clarkson. "What do you think?" He thought a moment before answering.

"I think her body is still in shock from previous trauma. She needs rest and a calm environment." Dr. Clarkson said. "It's not a common diagnosis but I believe she has panophobia. A fear of everything."

"What can we do to help her?" Lady Sybil asked taking her sister's hand in hers.

"Slowly introduce her to life here. Introduce her to people one at a time. For now keep her with people she trusts." Dr. Clarkson started to gather his things. "If that doesn't work-"

"It will work. I'm positive." Sybil started to lead Dr. Clarkson out of the room but turned back to me. "William will you watch her for a few more minutes? I'm just going to tell the rest of the family and then get changed. I will be back." I nodded and she left. As soon as she was out of the door I slumped into the chair.

"Oh Alice." I said softly taking her hand in mine. "Please get better. You're family is so worried about you." I paused for a moment coming to a realization. "I'm worried about you. I care about you."

What am I thinking. I just met her. How can I already have feelings for her? She's the daughter of my employer. It can't be love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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