Chapter 1

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"Hi, everyone! My name is Aelia and I like magic! I've even seen some before!" Was the simple introduction she gave the small crowd of six-year-olds gathered around her in a dimly lit room.

A small, timid voice spoke up across the room. "You like magic? What kind of magic? Magicians?" She assumed it was a girl, judging by her high-pitched voice.

"Any kind! As long as they're pretty~" She squealed in reply, dragging her words at the end.

The room broke out in hushed whispers.

Then came the questions.

"Have you seen it? The magic, I mean?"

"How do you know they exist? I don't see any."

"She's lying, there's no such thing as magic here."

"What bullshit, she must be crazy to have seen it."

"Haha, what nonsense."

"Children! Mind your language and your tone! She can say what she wants; there's no limit to the imagination." The teacher commanded, silencing the rowdy children in the room.

"Teacher, have you seen magic? Does it exist here? My parents say there's no such thing as magic and whoever says the opposite is crazy." A black-haired kid spoke up confidently.

"For me, I don't believe in such fairy tales. Magic does not exist in this world, and if you've claimed you've seen it, it's definitely fake and made up. Those who believe in magic, are the weak-hearted. There is no such thing as magic." The teacher directed the last statement to the girl who did the introduction firmly.

"But it's true! I saw it with my own eyes! I can even do some, look!" She replied defiantly, bringing up her hand, ready to defend herself.

"Enough! That's it! You are to do no such thing here!" The teacher shouted abruptly, startling the poor girl, who reluctantly retracted her hands.

"Now class, let's move on. Who wants to introduce themselves next?" The teacher regained her composure and smiled.



"Hey, are you Aelia?"

She turned to look at the speaker.

"Y-yes, I am. You are... Fenella, right?"

"Yes! You remembered my name!" The girl smiled excitedly. "You... said earlier that you had seen magic...?" She continued hesitantly.

"Yes yes! I can even show you some, do you... want to see it?"

The girl nodded enthusiastically in reply, her face lighting up in excitement.

Fire sparkles soon shot out of Aelia's hand, only to be diminished quickly, revealing a small flower petal.

"I'm sorry, I can't do much yet. This is only a little bit." She replied shyly.

"O-oh it's sooooo pretty!!!!!!" The girl gushed. "How did you do that??"

"Well, I-" Her words got cut off by the bell ringing, signaling the end of childcare.

She hummed softly, thinking. "Hey Fen, do you want to come over to my house? I can show you more if you'd like!"


"Oh, I just thought it was a nice nickname for you..." She scratched her head, embarrassed to let it slip.

"No no! I like it!" Fenella giggled in response.

She smiled. "So... friends?"


Little did they know, this signaled the beginning of a strong friendship, one made and created with unbreakable bonds and love for each other. Not just as friends, not only just as best friends, but as sisters. Nothing could break the relationship they have with each other. Nothing in this world could ever separate them from each other.

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