Chapter 4

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"Nyx, hurry up. You wouldn't want to miss the train."

"Alright alright," she huffed in response. Nyx still had second doubts if she was willing to enter the school, unsure if she would be able to blend in like the others while remembering not to reveal her true self. She dragged her feet down the stairs, a scowl visible on her face.

"You will proceed to the train station by yourself. Walk straight through the barrier between platforms nine and ten and you will arrive at platform nine and three-quarters. I'll see you at Hogwarts."

"Okay. Come, Emerald." Her white kitten jumped up onto her arms, purring.


At Platform Nine and Three-Quarters...

A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. Smoke from the engine drifted over the chattering crowd, cats of every color wound here and there between people's legs. Owls hooted at each other from their cages in a disgruntled sort of way over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks. Excited kids were trying to squirm away from their parents, mothers hugging their children protectively, checking and double checking whether their kids have everything with them. Nyx was glad Severus had helped her reduce the size of her baggage with a simple shrinking charm, enabling her to weave around families easier and faster.

The first few carriages were already filled with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. Nyx headed directly to the last compartment at the end of the train, relieved that it was still empty. Before she could enter, Emerald slipped out from her grasp and escaped.

"Emerald! Come back!" She sighed exasperatedly. The kitten turned her head slightly to look back at her, then slinked away down the train. Nyx rolled her eyes, but she wasn't too concerned. The kitten was smart enough to find her way back to her owner by herself.

Once she tucked her trunk into a corner of the compartment, Nyx plonked herself down onto the seat, half dreading the time to enter the school. She dug through the small pouch she carried around with her and retrieved a book to read, a part of her mind wondering where her kitten fled to.

The kitten in question, was heading towards a specific blond male who was trying to find an empty compartment as well. Upon hearing a soft meow, he glanced down to find a white kitten weaving around his leg, looking up at him with striking green eyes. He didn't dare to take a step further in fear that the kitten would trip him.

"What is it?" the kitten used her teeth to tug on his pant leg, indicating she wanted him to follow her. "Are you helping me find an empty compartment? I wonder where your owner is."

Great, now I'm talking to a cat. Why am I waiting for it to reply? Have I gone mad? He thought frustratedly to himself. He walked to the end of the train and found the snowy white kitten waiting for him in front of a closed door. Sliding it open, the kitten scrambled up into someone's lap, and purred contentedly.

"Emerald, where have you been?" a girl's voice exclaimed.

"Is that your cat?" he asked.

"O-oh, sorry I didn't see you there. Yes, she's mine." the girl replied. Nyx gave a small start, being too engrossed in her book she didn't even realize it was a boy who slid the compartment door open. Her eyes trailed up at him, noting his posture and choice of clothing. The boy gave off a lazy yet arrogant aura, leaning casually against the train door, arms crossed. Pale, pointed face with his blond hair slicked back, stormy grey eyes with a sense of familiarity in them. She had seen this boy before, but she couldn't place where. At the same time, she felt a slight burning sensation on her right arm. She brushed it off, thinking it was just Emerald's whiskers tickling her.

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