Chapter 2

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Nyx woke up shivering, drained from her previous outburst of magic. Her limbs felt like lead and her heart was palpitating wildly.

Hearing footsteps, she quickly shut her eyes, pretending to be out.

She heard a faint gasp of breath, then a deep sigh.

"Is there anyone here still alive?" A voice called out.

She hesitated to reply, the last words of her last kin still played in her head.

Her head was lying on the ground, she could feel the vibration travelling through the earth towards her as footsteps drew nearer. Warm hands shook her shoulder, and a kind voice spoke softly and gently in her ear, as if afraid to startle her.

"Can you hear me? There's no need to worry, I won't hurt you." From the voice, she could tell it was a man, an older one. Something tickled her ear and she shivered slightly, but it was enough movement to alert the other she was alive.

Firm hands gripped her arm hard, and pulled her body up into an upright position. Grudgingly, she opened her eyes and blinked, for the sight in front of her was not one she expected. The human crouched down in front of her, gaze leveled with hers, blue eyes twinkling behind half-moon spectacles with concern and curiosity. Her eyes slowly trailed down, noting his unusual choice of clothing. Long robes, and a purple cloak that swept the ground, paired with high-heeled, buckled boots. She didn't fail to notice the long, thin piece of wood grasped in the old man's right fist, and her eyes grew wary.

"Are you alright? It seems that you've gotten caught in the crossfire that just occurred not long ago. Are you hurt anywhere?" She shook her head, eyes still trained on the stick that he held. The old man followed her gaze, and realized she knew exactly what it was. He pocketed it and smiled gently at her with both palms up, to prove he meant no harm.

"Do you know what happened here? You're the only one still living after what eye-witnesses reported to be a mass killing." He continued to probe her, sure that at least she must be aware of something.

Nyx shifted uncomfortably, froze for a split second before coming to a decision. "It was me. I did it." A pause. "I killed them."

Eyebrows furrowed, the old man opened his mouth to speak, then decided against it. He was skeptical of a nine year old to be capable of killing 15 people, a mixture of both muggles and wizards, but throughout his journey as the greatest wizard of all ages, he had seen enough absurd and extraordinary events that happened right in front of his very eyes, hence he deemed it possible that the young girl is speaking the truth.

"Oh, how silly of me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am a wizard by the name Albus Dumbledore, but you can address me as Dumbledore. Can you tell me your name? That way it would be easier to communicate with each other, don't you think?"


"Are you alone, Nyx?"

She nodded.

"Come child, follow me and I shall find someone to take care of you. You must be starving, aren't you?" He helped her up and supported her trembling legs. They were about to turn and head off when a hooded figure appeared in front of them with a loud crack.

"My, my, look what we have here. Albus Dumbledore with a little girl. What a surprise. Have you gone off to do volunteer work, Albus?" The man sneered, and Nyx tensed. "I think I shall get rid of this vermin first, then we shall have a proper duel, eh? I've heard the rumours around you Albus, but have yet to witness it."

He brought out a stick similar to the one Dumbledore was holding when he first found Nyx and pointed the end at them, ready to cast a spell.

Nyx had only met the old man for a short while, but she could tell he truly meant no harm to her, only showing genuine concern. However, the real threat was in front of her, ready to attack. She felt a sudden surge of protectiveness overwhelm her. Without thinking, she thrust her palm outwards towards the attacker and made a swishing motion to the side. The man flew up into the air, felt his body being grabbed by an invisible force and was flung towards the direction of her hand, landing harshly on the ground.

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