Chapter 3

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Two years later...

"Aelia, there's a letter for you."

She looked over at Severus only to find him holding out a piece of paper in his hand, a corner of his lip twitching upwards.

"What is it?" Nyx tore the letter open, scanning quickly through its contents before sighing in frustration. Severus shot her a questioning look.

"I'm not interested in attending the school. What's the point? I have my own magic, I don't need a wand, and I'm not even going to live- I mean I don't see myself pursuing any kind of magic related work in the future. You can teach me anything I need to learn."

"This is different, Aelia. Young wizards and witches all around the world yearn to receive this letter, you know. It's the best wizarding school any parent can send their child to. Besides that, you can make new friends as well."

"Not interested." He sighed.

"At least let us head to Diagon Alley to buy your school stuff? Then we can figure out whether you want to go to the school afterwards."

She stared at him, unwilling.

"How about the money? I don't think I have any money to buy anything there."

"You will use mine." He replied without hesitation. Nyx's eyes went wide.

"Come, take my hand."

She looked at him with eyebrows furrowed.

"It's the easiest way to get there - no objections." Severus said curtly, fully aware of her reluctance to travel by Apparition. Nyx sighed in defeat.


Upon arrival at Diagon Alley, they headed to Gringotts to retrieve Severus' money from his vault. Nyx had quite enjoyed the ride in the cart on the way to the vault, though. She was quite astonished upon realizing that man was loaded, not with muggle money, but with wizarding money. Heaps and heaps of Galleons, Sickles and bronze Knuts lay glinting in the vault, enough to make any avaricious man mad with envy.

"Here, these should be enough for you to last the entire school term. If you still need more, then you have a problem with your spending." Severus handed her a small bag filled with money. Nyx stuck her hand inside only to realize her entire arm could fit in it.

"Extendable charm. Extremely useful, really. Now, off we go."

That was almost cheerful, she thought.

Once they were out of Gringotts, Severus left her on her own to purchase her robes and wand - said she needed to blend in with the others. "People will get suspicious if you can do magic with the lack of a wand at your age." he said. Meanwhile, he would help her to purchase her school books and other necessary stuff for potions.

The moment Nyx stepped into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions store, she felt a tingling sensation on her right forearm. A split second later, a blond haired boy bumped harshly into her.

"Oi, watch where you're going, idiot." came a drawling voice filled with distaste. Before she could open her mouth to apologize, he brushed her off and left.

Rude much? She grimaced, rubbing her arm. A squat, smiling witch dressed all in mauve approached her cheerily.

"Hogwarts, sweetheart? I'm Madam Malkin, pleasure to meet you."

Nyx hummed in response, glancing around the room, distracted about earlier events.

Madam Malkin guided her to the nearest footstool, slipped a long robe over her head and began to pin it to the right length. Within moments, she was done. Nyx paid for the items and headed to Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC for her supposed wand.

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