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The creak of the morgue door pulled Lee Thompkin's attention away from the corpse on her slab. She wished people would start carrying their drivers licenses and detailed cause of death instead of simply showing up dead and mysterious in her morgue. People take pictures and videos of themselves all day long these days; they should have the common courtesy to record their deaths, too. It would make her job all that much easier.

"Lee?" The tinkling voice was the third interruption this hour. At this rate, John Doe's cause of death will have to wait until the morning. Annoyed, she put down her scalpel and turned off the tape recorder.

"What can I do for you this time, Selina?" Lee sighed, covering the corpse's face with the sheet that draped over the majority of the body and starting to remove her gloves. The expression on the young girl's face made Lee instantly regret her curtness. This was certainly no social visit.

"You're a doctor, right? If I tell you something you have to keep it a secret." She stood with her back against the open door, eyes darting as if afraid a threat might suddenly leap out and attack her. This was Gotham after all, there were monsters and serial killers around every corner.

Lee mentally checked off all the reasons one might secretly need a doctor. None of them were good.

"You can trust me. What's wrong?" Lee steeled herself for some bad news.

"It's stupid... probably nothing... Tests are wrong all the time. I didn't do it right or didn't read it right or something." Selina's voice wavered a bit, her normally hard shell cracking ever so slightly. She looked suddenly very young and unsure of herself. At that moment, Lee noticed the flash of white in Selina's fist. It resembled a thick pen or toothbrush. After a beat, Lee realized its significance.

"You stole a pregnancy test?" Lee asked gently.

"Well, you don't expect me to buy it, do you? These things are really expensive. For something you can only use once you'd think they wouldn't charge so much." Selina's hard veneer snapped firmly back in place. "Anyway, that damned 7-11 clerk kept watching me, I had to get out of there quickly. I only got the one, though. Aren't you supposed to do this test a couple of times?"

Lee was reminded bitterly of the time not to long ago when she herself had to take the same test. Luckily she had the GCPD lab at her disposal so she hadn't had to contend with any nosy 7-11 clerks. She hoped Selina's baby, if there was one, wouldn't have the same fate hers had. With her former lover in jail for murder she had suffered the miscarriage and the months of mourning on her own. She silently vowed to keep Selina from knowing the same pain.

"These tests are fairly accurate and usually easy to read, but I can do another one right now to be sure." Lee opened a cupboard behind her and pulled out a small, clear plastic jar. "The bathroom in down that hall to the right." She said, pointing vaguely out the door. "Make sure to close the lid back on tightly."

Selina returned a few minutes later with a half-filled cup. "Is this enough." For the first time she looked genuinely embarrassed.

"That will be fine. I only need a few drops." While Selina was gone Lee had prepared the little test and pipette. "The urine sample goes in here." She placed three drops into the round hole on left side of the test. "And on this side we will see the results." She pointed to the rectangular hole on the right side. "We're testing for a hormone called hCG. It's something a pregnant woman's body makes to help the baby grow."

"That doesn't look anything like the test I took." Selina protested, looking skeptically at the little block of plastic.

"I know. The store-bought ones are a little fancier, but I assure you, they work the same way." Lee continued watching the test. "The first line should show up if the test is positive and the second if the test is working correctly." A faint but unmistakable pink line appeared just then followed by a second fainter pink line just to its right.

Still looking at the little bit of plastic on the counter Lee confirmed the results. "That's a positive test if I ever saw one. I'll get you an appointment with my ob-gyn as soon as possible. In the meantime, you need to be taking care of yourself." She turned to retrieve the almost-full bottle of prenatal vitamins from the drawer with her purse: semi-forgotten left-overs from her own failed pregnancy, when she realized she was alone in the room, save for one silent corpse.

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