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The cool breeze made the plastic tarp over the broken window flap noisily in the otherwise quiet night. One corner had come free. It made for a convenient ingress and egress for the small ramshackle apartment complex. The tabby cat's plush fur snagged against the peeling window frame as he pushed under the loose plastic.

The cat was in search of a safe, warm bed as well as an easy meal. Both were hard to come by when one lived the life of a stray. This place was usually safe and decently warm. The girl that lived inside was nice and often provided cans of fishy treats.

The girl hadn't been around for a few days but, always the optimist, the cat checked in regularly, just in case.

This night was no disappointment. The girl was home. She was curled on the ground near the partly opened door. The cat didn't understand why people insisted on using cumbersome doors when windows were so much more conveniently located. If he could have, the cat would have shrugged his bony shoulders. People were weird. That was as much explanation as the cat's simple mind could come up with.

No cans had been left open as the cat had hoped. Annoyed, he strode across the floor and flopped down next to the girl's sleeping form. He rolled over a few times, purring loudly, hoping to get her attention but she didn't move. She just lie there, breathing softly.

The cat batted the girl's eyelashes with sheathed claws. She groaned and put an arm over her face to protect herself from the onslaught. The cat began licking an exposed earlobe. The girl jerked upright when the cat's teeth bit into her soft, pale flesh.

"Ow! Stupid cat!" Selina swatted weakly at her attacker and pushed herself into a seated position.

Her head swam as a wave of nausea washed over her. She was weak and every muscle in her body ached. She leaned her back against the door. It closed with a soft CLICK.

Selina didn't remember how exactly she had gotten home but she was grateful. She had a vague memory of being in the dark for a long time followed by a frenzied dream of running. Bruce- no, not Bruce, Five- had been there, urging her on.

She had been in the darkness for days, weeks maybe, and Five had thrown her out into the light. He chose to keep the dark for himself. She wished she could go back and pull him out with her but she didn't know where he was.

Her memory had the fuzzy, fading feeling of a half-forgotten nightmare. The clearest part was of a promise she had made to herself: her unborn child would never become anyone's science project however she could help it.

As soon as she felt the room steady around her, Selina crawled along the floor until a floorboard creaked under the weight of her hand. She pried it up with her fingernails. Several agonizing minutes, and two broken fingernails later, Selina held the little blue and white blister packet in her trembling hands.

Taking a deep breath, she got unsteadily to her feet and retrieved a glass of cool water. She took a sip and realized how dirty her mouth was.

How long has it been since I brushed my teeth?Selina asked herself.

Suddenly brushing her teeth sounded like a great idea. She set the water and the pills on the table and went to the sink. She caught her bedraggled reflection in the dark microwave window.

Eww! She ran her fingers through matted hair. Maybe I should take a bath, too.

Selina stripped while the tub filled. Her stained and cramped little tub was a far cry from the spotless claw footed one she had enjoyed at Wayne Manor but at least the water was warm.

As she slipped into the water, she could see the little pill packet facing her on the table. Its contents watched her like two tiny accusing eyes.

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