Overprotective Asshole

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Bella and I are still grounded due to the random trip to Italy. So every afternoon we are to be home by four. It's not so bad for me because at night Emmett can come through the window or I can sneak out to the Rez but for Bella it's tournament.
After spending an hour with Edward and Emmett after school they return us home at four.
"Four o'clock on the dot. Are these boys trying to brown nose me?" Charlie asked putting down his news paper.
"They have names and what now there to punctual for you?" Bella spat out.
"Okay." Charlie sighed.
"You two understand why you're being punished right?" Charlie asked and we nodded.
"We put you through hell." I said and he nodded.
"Yes, Yes you did but I have other reasons for grounding you like I just want you to get some separation from them." Charlie said and Bella and I rolled our eyes.
"Dad there's nothing you can say Edwards in my life." Bella said and it was Charlie's turn to roll his eyes.
"Yeah I'm gathering that." Charlie said sipping his beer.
"So alright how about this I'll make you two a deal. You both aren't grounded anymore if you use your newly found freedom to see your other friends too...like Jacob." Charlie said and my eyes practically rolled out of my head.
"He's going through a really tough time right now his dad's really worried about him." Charlie said and I rolled my eyes again.
"I remember when that was you Bella." Charlie said and I was just about done with this talk.
"Great idea Dad lets go to the Rez right now." I said grabbing Bella's arm.
"You two be safe." Charlie said and we waved him off as we walked outside.
Edward comes out of nowhere with Emmett trailing behind him. He tries to stop Bella and I from going to the Rez.
"Get out of our way before I kick your ass back to Italy to finish the job you started." I sneered.
Edward being an asshole took apart of the truck out causing it to not run.
"Edward just let them go." Emmett tries to persuade his brother.
"You can stop Bella but you can't stop me." I spat before speeding into the woods.
"Brooding Overprotective ass jerk trying to stop us from going to the Rez. Newsflash asshole when you abandoned us we spent everyday there!" I screamed in my head knowing he was listening to my thoughts.
When I got to the Rez I went straight to Sam's house as always.
"You know Samuel we've been so busy I never got to show you the necklace Charlie gave me for my birthday. He says it's an heirloom." I explained pulling the necklace from around my neck.
"Triskele." He said and I nodded.
"It means three legs." He explained. "Three things: Human, Vampire, Wolf." He explained.
"Cool so why was it given to me on my eighteenth birthday?" I asked.
"Typically Tribrids don't learn about their powers until after their eighteenth birthday." Sam continued to explained.
"I'm so awesome I skipped a year." I said and Sam smiled.
"Glad I can help with your questions but I got patroll. Are you gonna be okay getting home?" He asked and I smiled.
"I'll be fine Sammy you go and patrol your imaginary border line." I said and he rolled his eyes before leaving.
A known fact about me is my laziness. It could take me less than a second to speed home but I'm to lazy so I have decided to call Emmett.
"Man that I love so much." I said as he picked up the phone.
"Where do you want me to pick you up." He sighed into the phone.
"The treaty line. I love you." I said before hanging up.
When I arrived at the treaty line a smirking Emmett was leaning on top of his Jeep.
"I figured if you drove me home you could just stay..?" I said and he nodded with a smile.

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