Takashi Morinozuka x Reader

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Tamaki danced his way around the room and stopped before you, holding the bag in front of you. “Pick an item and be swept away by the person you choose, lovely lady.”

Reaching inside the bag, you pulled out a sharp object; it was a throwing knife. “If I’m not mistaken,” You looked at Mori, “I believe this is yours.” You extended your hand out to him.

Mori stood and took the knife from you without a word. You were led into the closet and Tamaki giggled behind you, locking you in. “Don’t be too shy now, Mori. The young lady wants to be entertained,” he said through the closed door.

You could hear Mori shift uncomfortably and slide to the floor. You pondered whether you should sit as well when Mori grabbed your hand and gently pulled you down beside him. There were no words passed between the two of you; he seemed content to just be holding your hand so you didn’t want to say anything to upset him. You were proven wrong as Mori released your hand and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, drawing you to him. Carefully, as if he were holding a fragile object, Mori pulled you into his lap and kissed you. Your heart began to race as he sent shivers down your spine. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands shook slightly as he ran them along your back; he was just as shaken as you.

Light shown on the two of you as the door opened at the end of your time. Hunny stood there with wide eyes. “Takashi…”

“You naughty boy,” added in Hikaru and Kaoru in unison, snickering.

A dark red blush spread across Mori’s face. Standing, he helped you to your feet and led you out of the closet. Your heart was still racing as you were escorted back to your seat; his hand never moved from your shoulder. All eyes were on you as you tried to sit back down; holding you to where you stood by pressing his hand on your shoulder, Mori leaned in and whispered in your ear. “I hope you were entertained, I know I was.”

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