Yasuchika Haninozuka x Reader

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Heaving a sigh, Tamaki groaned in boredom. “Is there no one else willing to come up here and draw? If not, I’m picking at random again and I don’t care if you like the choice or not.”

He puffed out his cheeks and glared amongst the players. Shyly, you stood up and walked to where he was standing, stuffing your hand inside the bag. Withdrawing your hand, you were holding onto a small baby chick keychain. It was so adorable you couldn’t help but let out an “aw!”. No one in the crowd said anything as you waited for the owner to claim it. No one stood. From the back, you finally heard a voice; it was Honey. 

“Chika, isn’t that your chickey?” Honey asked innocently.

“NO!” cried Chika, face red with embarrassment. 

Tamaki opened the closet door and pointed to Honey’s younger brother. “Come on! Are you a man, or aren’t you?” He seemed to be serious about this. “You can’t just leave a lady waiting.”

Chika looked about to scream in anger, but he stood and walked swiftly into the closet, not once looking up at you. You followed him inside and Tamaki shut the door. The two of you stood in silence for most of your time. You could tell Chika didn’t want to be in there. Trying to find something to shift the mood, you handed him back the keychain.

“Here, you can have this back now.” You stuck your hand out to him.

“Keep it, I don’t need it.” He said. You could hear a waver in the tone of his voice.

“Are you sure? It is yours after all.” You didn’t want to keep one of his treasured items.

He glanced at you with mock annoyance. “I said I don’t want it. So just knock it off. I didn’t want to be in here in the first place.”

You smiled and held back a giggle. You could tell he was lying; he wouldn’t have put his item into the bag if he hadn’t have wanted to play. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, you sat yourself on the floor. It went quiet again and you shifted uncomfortably. Wracking your brain for another topic, you decided to go with a simple and obvious question. 

“Do you like baby chicks?” You saw his face flush at your question. Bingo; you had him.

He turned his head away from you so you couldn’t see his fluster. “N-no. I don’t like cute things. I hate them. A man doesn’t need cuteness or fun, only hard work and discipline.”

You reached up and took his hand. He tried to pull away, but found some courtesy and resisted the urge to withdraw his hand. Opening up his palm, you placed the keychain within. “You better hang onto it. I wouldn’t want you to loose one of your cute items.”

You smiled and he turned his head to the ground, but not before you had seen his blush. Before you could draw your hand back to yourself, he clasped it in his own. Still not looking at you, he admitted what you had figured out.

“I…I do like animals, and small baby animals are the cute ones.” He still wouldn’t look up; he was too embarrassed to look at you.

You squeezed his hand in response. “I’m glad you like them! My favorite are baby fawns.” 

His head snapped up at your words. His eyes were wide and he had a smile forming on his face. He wasn’t able to reply because as he opened his mouth the door opened and standing there were Tamaki, Mori, and Honey, all smiling. 

“Did you two have fun?” Tamaki asked with a wry smile. 

Chika’s expression hardened and he immediately stormed out. You watched him leave with a bit of shock, but smiled inwardly as you noticed what he was holding; clasped tightly to where no one would see it, he was still holding the baby chick keychain. 

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