Hikaru/Kaoru x Reader 2

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“Let’s play the ‘Which one is Hikaru?’ game!” 2

Eyeing the ladies, Tamaki mumbled to himself. “Now which one of you ladies will be chosen for the next man?” Closing his eyes, he pointed straight ahead. “You!”

Holding out the bag of items, you dug your hand in and pulled out a blue cell-phone. “I hate to do this, but if no one claims this, I’ll have to look at their personal information to find out who it belongs to.”

You held it in the air; standing, Hikaru and Kaoru came forward. “It’s one of ours.” Linking arms, they turned their faces away with a smirk. “But to find out who it belongs to, you’ll have to play the “Which one is Hikaru game?”.

Putting on their hats, they spun in a circle, confusing you. Raising a finger to their lips, they both winked. “Alright, now which one is Hikaru?”

“Well, Hikaru was picked last time, so even if I get it right, Kaoru has to go in, so…” Contemplating between the two, you finally decided. “On the left, you’re Hikaru.”

“Yay!” they both cried.

Detaching himself from his brother’s side, Kaoru stepped forward. “My lady, will you honor me with your presence?”

“If you wish it.” Taking his hand, the two of you found a place on the floor of the closet.

“You know, it’s not too late to back out,” said Tamaki. “You never know who those two could actually be.”

“It’s fine!” said Kaoru, smiling sweetly. “Now shut the door so we can get down to business.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Tamaki shut the door and locked you inside with Kaoru. Standing so close, you could feel the warmth radiating off of his body and it made a shiver run down your spine.

“Well, we only have seven minutes, so let’s get started, shall we?” Reaching out, he took your face in his hand and lightly kissed your lips.

You were overjoyed. You clutched his shirt and wouldn’t let go; he wasn’t going to escape from you. His hands fumbled at your shirt and you smacked them away. You couldn’t tell if he was hurt or not by your action, but you disliked it. “Please don’t do that, it’s not appropriate.”

He chuckled. “Sorry, I just got lost in the moment.”

Smiling at his words, you took his hand and leaned against him. “You can keep with the kisses, I liked that.”

“Alright then.” He spoke softly and sweetly, enticing you to turn back to him.

This time, he held you loosely and pecked at your lips, not forcing anything on you. You couldn’t breathe, it felt too good to be true. Taking his arms, you wrapped them around you a bit tighter.

“I’m not fragile, you know,” you said, smiling at him.

“I know, but I don’t want to do anything you won’t like.” He tilted his head and stared into your eyes.

Ruffling his hair, you laughed. “You would know if I didn’t like something, trust me.”

You could feel him hesitate and it made you a bit concerned. With a sigh, he rested his head against your shoulder. “Would you be mad if I told you something?”

That caught you off guard. “What is it?”

“I-” The door opened before he could finish.

“Time’s up you two!” Tamaki threw himself into the closet and dragged you both out. “Come on out so the other love birds can get started.”

Kaoru’s words still nagged you though. Grabbing his sleeve before he could leave your side, you pulled him aside. “What were you about to tell me?” You gave him a curious stare.

Kaoru smiled sweetly and kissed your forehead. “I’m not Kaoru,” he whispered, “I’m Hikaru.”

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