Renge Houshokuji x Reader

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Tamaki had not returned after the Haruhi incident so Hikaru took the bag and brought it to you. “Pick an item, my good man; I hope you get the girl of your dreams.”

You reached your hand in and drew out an elaborate small hair comb. “Uh…one of you ladies mind claiming this?”

Renge shot up with a loud squeal. “That’s mine!!!” She ran to your side in a hurry, practically tripping over her kimono in the process.

When she was standing before you, you reached over and placed it in the bun at the back of her head. “There you are, now your outfit is complete.”

Renge giggled. With a sweep of her hand, she went into a description. “This is no ordinary outfit. It’s a cosplay of a lady named…”

“Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard the stories hundreds of time, now get in the closet before we force you in.” Hikaru’s face showed he wasn’t amused.

He practically pushed the two of you in as you passed the door. With a click, it locked and you were now stuck with Renge. She took your hand and pulled you to the floor next to her. “You look pretty cute. Like one of my many character favorites from the mangas I read. Oh, in fact you look like the main character of the one I’m reading now!”

She sat next to you and went on and on about him. She described the character in perfect detail, though you didn’t care about that. Your thoughts were elsewhere. Something of her lecture did catch your interest as she continued on though. Looking over, you listened.

“Oh! And Akymora and his lover, Jesi-fujo, when they ran away together, defying their families, it was such a beautiful sight. After they fled the country, Akymora wrapped his true love in his arms…” You cut off her story by doing as she had just said. Her face flushed red and you leaned into her face.

“Was it anything like this after he had her?” You kissed her lips softly, feeling as a shiver went through her body.

She wouldn’t respond to you. Staring, she was bewitched by your actions. The rest of your time was spent like this; no responses from Renge and nothing more done by you. Kaoru opened the door at the end of your time and was surprised at what he found. “How’d you get her to shut up?! You must be a magician!”

That made Renge snap out of her shock. “How dare you insult me!” She flew at Kaoru.

You watched the two of them run around the room as you stood at the door of the closet. Hikaru sidled up next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, she’ll calm down soon enough. Once she thinks it a part of one of her fantasy worlds, she’ll go right back to normal.”

“I hope so, because she is one crazy girl.” You returned to your seat, listening to all the mayhem Renge was creating at the other end of the room.

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