Mitskuni Haninozuka x Reader

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Tamaki stood in the center, throwing random balls of fuzz around the room. Dumping the rest of his pile before you, he held out the bag of items. “Not many players left, I hope you are able to get a good match.”

Reaching in, your hand grazed against something wet. Pulling it out, you found it was a half eaten strawberry. “Uh, this is kind of disgusting, but who put this in there?”

Hunny ran right up to you and took your hand that held the strawberry; turning it to face him, he fed it to himself. A blush broke out on your face, he was so cute! You noticed a line of juice running down his chin and instantly reacted, producing a handkerchief and wiping it up. He smiled a sweet childish smile.

“Thank-you!” Then his face fell. “I wanted to share it with you, but I got so overwhelmed I forgot.”

A twinge was felt in your chest and you patted his head. “It’s alright. But I did choose your item, so we have to go into the closet now.”

Tamaki waited for you, once you were inside, he shut the door tightly and locked it. The two of you were alone now and it was pitch black. You could feel Hunny next to you, shivering.

“What’s wrong, Hunny?” You placed a hand on his head.

Wrapping his arms around your waist, he buried his face into your stomach. “I’m…I’m scared of the dark.”

Removing his arms, you held his hands and got down into your knees. “It’s alright, I’m here with you. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

He slid his hands out of yours and wrapped them this time around your neck, holding tightly. “Thank-you.” His small frame shook with fright.

Holding him, you sat on the ground and he curled into your lap. Despite his fear of the dark, he picked up a conversation with you. “Do you like sweets?”

“Yes,” you replied, stroking his back.

“What kind of cake do you like?” His shaking was not as intense as a moment before.

You thought about that. “Well, I like red velvet.”

Hunny giggled against your shoulder. “I like all! Though strawberry is the best!” Then he switched subjects. “Do you like cute things?”

You blushed at this. “Yes I do,” you said, smiling.

“I like them too.” He hugged you. “And I think you’re cute.”

Your face grew hot. “Th-thank-you for the compliment.”

The door opened on the two of you and Tamaki peeked in. He was startled by what he saw. “Hunny, is everything alright?”

Releasing his hold on you, Hunny turned around and beamed a smile. “Yup! Everything’s great!”

Standing, he smiled back at you. “I had a wonderful time! I hope we can have another chance to talk.”

Leaning close, he quickly kissed your cheek and ran off to find Mori. You sat on the floor, hand to your cheek, and grinned.

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