Chapter 1

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*Todoroki's POV*

"Shoto! You will do as I say or else!" My excuse of a father yells down the phone.

"I can make my own decisions, Endeavour...." I reply monotone.

"If you do not obay me then your supply of blood bags will stop until you understand what's best for you!" he ended the call before I had chance to speak. He doesn't know what's best for me! He just uses me and stopping my supply of blood bags isn't going to help! I only have four blood bags left. After that I'll have nothing. I won't be able to go back to UA or go near anyone, and the worst thing is is that I'm stuck in the dorms. 

Its then I realise that yesterday I was doing so much training and hanging out with Midoriya, that I didn't have any blood and I need two bags a day. My fangs grew in hunger and I just knew I had to have some blood now.... I picked up a bloodbag from a hidden box and peirced it with my fangs, hungrily drinking its contents. I drained the first bag and subconciously picked up a second and third and drained them too.

'I really shoudn't have skipped a day.' I thought. My fangs retracted as I headed into the bathroom. I clean off any excess blood.

Midoriya and I get along really well after the sports festival. We train together and hang out a lot. Actually, we have become really good friends. But ever since then, I have rejected my fire quirk once more, and that's why my father is so angry. Midoriya is always trying to help me too, and he does incourage me to use my fire, but also respects my decisions. He's too pure and innocent for this world, and when something isn't easy to understand, he always does. I'm getting lost in my thoughts and memories when I hear a knock on the door.

"Todo-kun? Are you in here?" Midoriya. I head over to my door and open it.

"Hey Midoriya." I say with a little smile and less monotone, only he sees me express emotion like this.

"I was looking for you everywhere! I don't know why i didn't check in here sooner, but I was kinda getting worried about you."

"You got worried about me? Cute~" I stated playfully. He blushed slightly.

"Wah! Anyway...." He grinned. "I just wanted to know if you needed anything... notes, help with homework, soba~" He handed me some cold soba from behind his back. Cold soba is the best human food! 

"Oh thanks! Yeah sorry about leaving class earlier.... my father called and I had to leave to pick up."

"Oh okay, that's fine!" There was a brief moment of silence. "Um so need any class notes and homework help?" He asked.

"Yeah I have some English homework I didn't understand, and I missed half of the last lesson.

"Oh yeah I still have the English homework to do too! And my notes are right here!" He beamed. I let him into my dorm room and we both sat on the bed. He took off his yellow bag and opened it up, taking out his pencil case, English book and notes. We studied and helped eachother out for about one and a half hours. Midoriya said he was hungry and left to get food. I am hungry too, but I only have one blood bag left. Maybe more human food will suffice. I leave my dorm room and head into the kitchen to see Midoriya. 

"Wow that smells nice. What are you making?" I asked whilst approaching him.

"Oh it's my favourite! I'm making katsudon! Want some?" 

"Oh sure.... why not." I had never tried Katsudon before but it smelt nice. Midoriya had finished cooking the katsudon and set a plate in front of me as he sat ahead of me. He and I picked up our chipsticks and dug in! It. Was. Delicious! "Wow Midoriya, this is.... amazing! Where... how did you learn to cook?" I asked, still suprised at the taste.

"Oh well my mom used to teach me. Sometimes she would even make Kacchan help because he is good at cooking too!" He replied, smiling at his memories, and taking another bite of pork. We continued talking and eating, then Midoriya took the plates to wash up.

"Hey Midoriya...." I said.

"Yeah Todo-kun?" He turned away from the sink to look at me.

"You did the cooking, I'll wash up." I stated firmly.

"But I made the mess Todo-kun....."

"At least let me help Midoriya." I said moving closer to him. He got all flustered and it was really cute. 

"O-okay f-f-fine.... y-you can h-help." He stuttered. 

Yeah like I said.... I don't know where this is going.... But I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter.... I don't really do authors notes so I am very bad and awkward when writing them haha! 722 words excluding authors note.

Until next time my marshmallows!

~Abigail xoxo (oof name reveal)

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