Chapter 2

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As I told you in the ast chapter i have no idea as of where this is going so I'm going to time skip..... Also I should probably tell you that I'm not allowed to be on wattpad because my dad said so but I am anyway.... He thinks I'm doing homework right now haha anyway enjoy marshmallows....

*Time skip after a few weeks (at school)*

*Izuku's POV*

"Hey Deku!" Uraraka called out to me. 

"Hey Uraraka! Have you seen Todoroki lately?" I asked, truth is Todo-kun hasn't been to school in a while.... I'm not even sure if he is in the dorms anymore.... Uraraka shook her head.

"No I haven't.... Do you-" She was cut off my Aizawa-sensei.

"Midoriya.... I couldn't help but over hear your convercation.... Todoroki hasn't left the dorms at all so you should find him there.... but you need to find out why he isn't coming into school, he's missing out on hero training and notes." He said as enthusiastically as ever.

"Y-yes sensei.... The last time I saw him he seemed fine so I'll go check up on him....." AIzawa-sensei let me go see him straight away, just incase anything bad has actually happened to Todoroki that we were unaware of. 

I eventually made it to the dorms and stepped inside. I got in the elevator and went to Todoroki's floor. Once I got to his room I knocked "Todo-kun....? Are you here?" I got a slight reply but I couldn't hear any clear words, just mumbles and grumbles. I opened the door and stepped inside to be faced with Todoroki. But he was curled in a ball on the floor, facing me, with a hand over his mouth.

"L-l-leave M-Midori-ya" He stuttered.

"What's wrong Todoroki?" I questioned, edging closer. I saw him try to back further away from me, as if he was trying to merge into the wall or something. I crouched down beside him and helped him sit up straight. 

*Todoroki's POV*

I saw Midoriya enter my room and immediately tried to get away. I had my hand over my mouth as my fangs were visible, I was curled in a ball from my hunger. I had ran out of blood bags two weeks ago and when I tried to get through to my father he just declined the call. Midoriya was inching closer but I really didn't want to hurt him, I had told him to stay away but he didn't listen and just came closer. He crouched down beside me and helped me sit up. I couldn't help it any more....

"I'm sorry." I whispered before sinking my fangs into Midoriya's soft skin. He gasped from pain at first but after a while he just sat in silence, hugging me, almost letting me drink from him. I pulled away after I had, had enough and he just smiled. I licked away any remaining blood and he suppressed a small giggle.

"I'm sorry." I whispered once again to the greenette. 

"Its okay Todo-kun.... So you're a vampire? That's cool. How come you didn't have enough food?" He asked, he seemed totally fine with what just happened.

"My father sent the supply over once a month but stopped sending me blood bags when I refused to use the fire. But.... how are you fine in this situation, why aren't you scared or-" Midoriya cut me off.

"Well one reason is that I'd never be afraid of you, you're my best friend and I trust you with my life! And.... lets just say Kacchan is a vampire too.... he used to use me for blood.... I-I was okay with it though.... we were good friends at the time.... he uses blood bags too now" He smiled warmly. I wrapped him in a hug. 

"Are you dizzy at all? Tired?" I questioned.

"A little but I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you Todo-kun! Are you okay? Oh and if you are ever needing some blood please feel free to just ask, I don't mind it at all." He said happily.

"Thank you Midoriya, and yeah I'm fine now...."

I am so sorry guys, I'm not used to writing stories and I feel like this is moving too quickly, I will probably finish this story quickly and make another TodoDeku fanfiction.... anyway I hope you guys enjoyed! Love you my Marshmallows! I'm also sorry if I don't update that often I have a lot to do and as I have already said probably a million times, I have no idea where this story is going hehe.....

~Abigail xoxo

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