Chapter 9

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*Shoto Todoroki's POV*
Midoriya went offline so I put my phone down. Honestly, I was hungry, but I didn't want to bite Midoriya again. His blood was the best I had ever had- I could have drained him completely. I should have drained him completely.

Shoto, no!

Why did I keep having hunger thoughts? True I was slightly hungry but I don't get hunger thoughts until I'm realllly hungry. Well, I'm not supposed to anyway. Everything is different as a pureblood, especially since my mother was human.

Other vampires consist of:
Hybrids: they are humans who have been turned by purebloods.
Amalgams: they are humans who have been turned by hybrids- they are still half human.
Conglomerates: vampires from birth that can have pureblood X different type or any other type X any other type parents.

Purebloods are the rarest and are very hard to spot. They have reflections, they can eat human food and light doesn't effect them (unless they don't drink blood)
The others are different, they do not have reflections, cannot eat human food and are easily effected by light.

Blood lust is what causes the hunger thoughts, if a pureblood goes without blood too long they get hunger thoughts which eventually lead to them going rouge and killing a bunch of people. The other types cannot go more than a day without blood until they die. After twelve hours of not drinking they go rouge.

I may have good intentions but the vampire in me doesn't.

It's like a little demon.

And that little demon loves the taste of Midoriya's blood, it craves for that bittersweet taste.

That's why the hunger thoughts linger.

*Izuku Midoriya's POV*
The only solution to hiding the bite mark I could think of was make up. But I didn't have any. I couldn't go get any since I'm already going to be late into school... Maybe..

I closed the door behind me. I'm in! Uraraka's dorm room!

Well now I just sound like Mineta!

A while ago she gave me a key to her dorm, saying if I ever needed anything from her dorm I could just go get it! So that's what I'm doing... I got permission. Take that Mineta.

I looked around for any make up or make up bags, I came across a few lipsticks here and there but nothing I could use unless I wanted to make the bite look worse. I almost gave up hope before wandering into her private bathroom. Yes I got permission for this too!

Honestly when she was talking about needing anything she meant in case I got a date or something- which would never happen!

Anyway I opened the cupboard and found what I was looking for! Foundation and concealer. Uraraka's skin tone was a lot like mine luckily so I could easily blend it in. I applied just the right amount of concealer and hid the bite before going over it with a little foundation to bland it to my skin. Perfect.

The day went fine, no one saw the bite mark at all but I constantly waited in anticipation for lunch. In a strange way I liked the feeling of being bitten. The pain before pleasure in a way.

Is it bad I'm almost addicted to the feeling? Maybe not almost. Maybe I am. Damn it Izuku!

Lessons became a drag after about half an hour, I wanted it to be lunch. His fangs were so deep into my neck, sharp pain before a warm, tingly, soothing feeling filled my senses. It was like I was floating. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to Uraraka shaking me.

"H-huh?! Wha- what time is it?!" I asked quickly.

"Calm down Deku!" Uraraka giggled.
"You looked like you needed sleep so we left you, it's just after school"

"We should have woken you for lunch but we were all rushed out by everyone else!" Iida slightly panicked, waving his hand up and down like a robot.

"Oh it's oka- wait I missed lunch?!" I squeaked. Oh shoot Todoroki!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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