Part 1: The betrayl

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ÇüTę HöBgØbŁįÑ (I'm gonna have this be the first vex u find and end up befriending as a companion)

Logan POV

I had just gotten hawthorn a gift for our anniversary (they're dating) and was heading back to the tower and my ghost said he was getting bombarded by calls from the vanguard, Fessa, Y/N, and Hawthorne

Logan: *sigh* why do they keep calling? I told them this is our special day!

I arrived at the tower and me and my ghost are finally fed up with the calls

Logan: AHHH! What do they want!

The noises came to a stop

Ghost: we got a message, go to the annex for a meeting

Logan: Fine, fine...I'll do this and then I'm done

I went to the meeting room and saw the lights turned off so I turned them on and saw all eyes on me

Logan: Hey guys! What do u need?

Zavala: Logan You are under arrest for committing treason against the traveler and the city!

I went pale and asked confused

Logan: W-what do you mean?! How did I commit treason!?

Hawthorn: My scouts and Ikora's hidden saw you constantly go somewhere then leave shortly and found an alter of darkness inside these places

At this point it came to my realization, I had heard the stories but brushed them off till now...if I was being watched, it wasn't because I was doing suspicious activity it was the fact that I could become a threat to them if I left their order, and the vanguard can't stand when they don't have complete and total control although it did hurt me that I Ben my girlfriend went along with them

Logan: Heh just tried to pull a fast one on me didn't you? well I won't be fooled so I'm leaving and you can't stop me!

On my way out the room you saw Fessa rum to the intercom and announce

Fessa: all guardians on site! Logan has turned on the city and the traveler capture him before he escapes...dead or alive

I gave Fessa a disappointing look as I ran down the towards the one person that could get me out of here

Drifter: Logan! What the hell is going on up there!? You just start running down here like a maniac!

Logan: The vanguard is trying to take me out since they think I'm not fully under their control anymore

Drifter: Hey! I told you they were corrupt, go down this pathway behind my bank and take the ship somewhere far from here, and remember safe and keep in touch!

I ran down the hatch and closed it before getting in the ship and getting away from the tower as I saw all the guardians there looking for me...

??? POV

???: didn't think those wiretaps would still be useful, but at least I can follow him, Logan...your all mine

TIMESKIP to landing on Nessus

Logan POV:
I believe Nessus would be the best place to lie low considering how easy it is to get lost looking around for someone through vex gates and such, So after my landing I started walking around being very cautious due to my lack of ammo because of the quick getaway until I heard a rustling in the little vex structure next to me and looked inside to see this little tiny vex Hobgoblin sitting in it trying to get out

Logan POV:I believe Nessus would be the best place to lie low considering how easy it is to get lost looking around for someone through vex gates and such, So after my landing I started walking around being very cautious due to my lack of ammo bec...

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He seemed to be reaching out to the edge to climb out, but went and cowered in a corner seemingly frightened at what I might do to him

Logan: Hey little's okay, you see I'm all on my own to so your fine I won't hurt you need some help getting out?

He looked at you for a bit before standing up and holding his arms out to me so I picked him up and sat on the ground with him as he sat in my lap

He looked at you for a bit before standing up and holding his arms out to me so I picked him up and sat on the ground with him as he sat in my lap

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(Imagine that's Logan)

Logan: you know, I didn't think vex could be this tiny and cute but I guess you proved that wrong heh heh...

The little hobgoblin had a look of joy on his face as he climbed on me and snuggled into my cloak hoodie and went to sleep/rest mode

A/N:(The vex will show facial features by the current glow in their eye, that means that some parts will and some parts won't glow during a certain facial expression and sleep will just have no color in the eye and it is just empty,understood?)

Logan:Alright then just stay there little guy, guess this is better than no company with me through this journey...

A/N: HEY GUYS! sorry this part took so long but on the release of this part it just hit 🎉my 🎉birthday 🎉today🎉! Since this is going up at midnight and that's today so I hope any of you guys that have today as your birthday have a good one like I will!

From hunter to vex god (hunter x vex)Where stories live. Discover now