Part 5: The bond between friends

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A/N: I don't believe I'll have as Many parts as I did in my previous story and due to me having a lot more ideas planned out for future books I expect this book to go to 15-17 parts (7-9 more)

Logan POV

I took everyone through the portal to the throne room where Atheon was sitting

Atheon: Oh Logan your back...who are those guardians?

Logan: This is Cherry and Jake and the other person I believe you have heard of

Atheon: Ah yes, the drifter...never thought I would see him like that though

We look over at Drifter and see him playing peek-a-boo with Tiny who really enjoys it...I sometimes wonder if Tiny will always be like that

Atheon: Why did you bring these 2 back with you?

Cherry: He said that we were kindhearted enough to give him a chance and asked if we would join you guys to overthrow the vanguard, but we want to hear his story before many a choice

Logan: Alright let us begin then, it all started on my girlfriends anniversary...

TIMESKIP due to Shorty falling asleep on Miniature

Logan: And that's about it

Cherry and Jake: I never realized we were so blind this whole time! We would be glad to help you Logan

Drifter: Well now I get why you like it here, I've gotta say it's a pretty cozy place

Logan: Thank you, but even with the 5 of us and all the vex we are doomed to fail, there is no way we will be able to capture all the guardians without someone getting suspicious at some point so I had an idea of who we can recruit

Drifter: Do you mean...Logan I don't think it'll work, the vanguard already told him their lies and he was the most loyal out of you 3

Logan: They also most likely told him I was dead. But that's obviously not true

Cherry, Jake, and Atheon: Who are you talking about

Logan: I'm talking about the one that achieved something similar to what I have achieved before me, he holds the title of kell and taken king above himself and has managed to keep both races at borage with each other and the tower...You all most likely know him as Y/N

Jake: Well how do we meet him without getting shot on sight in his territory?

Logan: I assigned Miniature a project while I was gone to make us hologram suits that would hide our identity, this should let you come with us Atheon

Atheon: I have already calibrated the settings on my suit so I will be a fallen captain. While Jake and Cherry be vandals and Drifter wear a hood while you and Logan...just look like convicts/prisoners I guess

Logan: Alright its a plan, let's go team!

TIMESKIP because Miniature, Tiny, and Shorty are all trying to go with them

Logan: Alright Atheon repeat after me "We found these 2 inside our borders stealing supplies and Kell Y/N has requested us to take them to him"

Atheon: got it

We moved forward towards the base and we were spotted by the entrance watchtower

Watchtower Vandel: [Halt! Who are these 2?]

Atheon: [2 trespassers we found stealing supplies, kell Y/N has requested they are sent to him]

Watchtower guard: [alright, go ahead]

We were in the base and now approaching Y/N's position...


I was visiting the small grave I made for Logan when his death was announced to everyone in the last culture and beyond, I still find it hard to believe that he would just betray everyone like that out of nowhere

Ruin: [Y/N, get some rest there is nothing we can do about it]

Y/N: *hugs ruins and starts to cry* [I just wish I could have asked him why he did it]

As Ruin comforted me I heard a knock on the door and straightened up as I opened the door

Y/N: [Who are these 2?]

???: [The trespassers we found outside trying to steal supplies, can we come in please?]

Y/N: [I guess?]

Ruin: [Can you come here Y/N? *pulls him over and whispers* those are not our troops I have never seen them here before!]

Y/N: [I know Ruin something is wrong her-]

???: Hands up!

I looked back to see me and Ruin were cornered and outnumbered as guns were trained on us and I saw the ones disguised as vandals take off a device and it showed a Warlock and a Hunter and the one with the hood took it off to reveal Drifter!

Y/N: Alright just tell us what you want and then go and Drifter how are you involved with this!

Drifter: You should ask the one no pointing a gun at your face

I looked to the guy and he was holding 2 syringes, each holding a white liquid

Y/N: NO! you are not injecting me or my mate Ruin with ANYTHING

The man didn't stop as he eventually gave it to us both and we felt dizzy for a second

???: Can you hear me?

Y/N: Who said that?

???: Me, the one in front of you!

Ruin: What was that stuff and what do you want from us!

???: Simple we want your help overthrowing the vanguard

Y/N: And why would I do that for...what even are you? Some psycho freak?

???: That's hurtful Y/N, and besides you do technically owe me one and even if you didn't I know you would still help me out in the end

Ruin: I you want our help then tell us your name!

???: Well there seems to be a grave of some kind with my name on it behind you guys

I look behind us to see Logan's grave I made, but it's impossible he's dead! the vanguard wouldn't lie!...would they?

Y/N: If your really him then take off the helmet and let me see your face

Logan: Wish I could Y/N, but I guess that's a side effect of not being human anymore *shrugs*

Y/N: W-what do you mean? Logan would never give up his humanity and if you are my friend then your not the same one from before!

Logan: Your right...but that Logan is also the one that had a loving girlfriend, 2 good friends to count on, and the support of others, AND WHAT AM I NOW HUH! IM JUST SOME TOOL THAT THE VANGUARD THINKS THEY CAN JUST GET RID OF! WELL GUESS WHAT IM NOT THEIR TOOL AND IM NOT ANYBODY ELSES!  *calms down* I was never meant to be a guardian Y/ whole life I've been destined to be a vex god, I still see humanity as a part of me, but not like how I feel with the rest of my kingdom and adopted kids

Y/N and Ruin: Wait kids?

Logan: Yup! Tiny, Miniature, and Shorty are my kids

They all pop up from Logan's hood and wave at me and Ruin as we die of cuteness

Logan: I'm sure you get what I'm saying Y/N, but just know that we need your help so we can stop the vanguards corrupt tactics and bring the last city to a golden age

Y/N: Alright then old friend...we have a deal

A/N:(Had a lot of schoolwork, but this part is out now, you might have read the estimated part count for this story and depending on how long I keep making these chapters I might end up
With only 11-13 parts out, so I'm sorry if it's not a long book, but if you follow me you will see when I have the next story up for you guys to read)

See you guys next time

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