Part 7: Breaching the walls

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A/N: Had family stuff that's basically it, so merry Christmas to y'all and sorry for a pretty late update

Logan POV

TIMESKIP to the next day

We were all in position outside the walls and considering that I was once a guardian we were able to bypass the wall defenses and put explosives on the access points and were ready to detonate

(All of this is over comms)

Y/N: Logan we are ready to breach you ready to do this?

Logan: Of course, Me and drifter will head towards the vanguard with you, Ruin, and Atheon right behind us

Atheon: Generals are you ready?

All generals: yes Atheon

Logan: Alright, 3,2,1...BREACH!

As I initiated the command I heard multiple detonations go off as the ground started to shake and I all teams already had gunfire on them

Logan: Dammit! Fessa tipped them off, remember to capture them after killing the guardians, only stun or injure civilians we are trying to overthrow the vanguard not commit mass genocide

Panoptes: I'm distributing troops to all your positions

Troops started to come in and they were slowly taking out the guardian defenses and we were holding our ground

Drifter: Logan and  everyone else meet up with me and we can take a ship I have hidden around here to the tower

We all ran to Drifter and either held on or sat on top
Of the ship as we approached the tower and landed in the annex

(No more comms)

Ruin: My scouts tracked the vanguard running into their meeting room with Fessa and your kids

Logan: Alright, Atheon tell troops to move in so we can move in on the vanguard with our distraction

We heard screams from the guardians above as they were fired upon as they just ignored any vendor that was there

Logan: Alright guys move in!

We all ran into the room and saw the vanguard close off the door behind us thinking they could take us on

Cayde-6: Y/N and Ruin, I didn't expect you here but I did expect this guardian and of course Drifter

Logan: Do you know who I am?

Zavala: No, but it doesn't matter because we will beat you and protect the city!

Logan: Hahahaha! You were never protecting the city you were destroying it! All you ever did was kill or lock up anyone that was ever defying your commands so who's the real bad guy here?

Ikora: Your killing innocent civilians and all the guardians left!

Logan: No I've had Atheon order our troops to not fire on civilians and to only stop guardians from reviving themselves so no casualties so far

Fessa: Atheon is dead you monster! and I can't believe you would do this Y/N, your just like Logan...a dirty traitor to the city!

Y/N: I'd watch my tongue if I were you Fessa cause you just insulted both of us there

Fessa: W-what!? That other guardian is Logan!

Logan: Oooh I'm no guardian, I'm a vex myself, their god to be exact...Atheon take off the roof!

At my command the Roof of the meeting y'all was torn up and I turned into
My vex form in front of them all most likely making all the vanguard piss themselves

Logan: Fessa if you give me my kids back your death will be painless

Fessa was took out a shotgun and was about to fire on Tiny until I blasted her with a void beam


Fessa screamed in pain until her body disintegrated and I did the same procedure except for Cayde, It was Y/N's decision to decide Caydes fate

Logan: Kids! Are you ok, are you hurt anywhere!?

Small bois/gals: we are fine Dad! Can we play with uncle Drifter again?

Logan: Sure *hands them to Drifter* Well it seems we have done it Atheon

Atheon: Your right Logan...I'm glad I found you Logan...I have spent so many years in the vault just waiting for my destined love to find me, but I guess it's my fault for no looking myself

Logan: Nothing is your fault Atheon if I knew anything about all of this I would have started looking a long time ago, Now let's get back to rebuilding this city for Vex, Fallen, Humans, Guardians, and Taken...this is what a city should be like a beacon of hope for all not just one group of people

Atheon: After a fight like that I'm tired so can we start rebuilding tomorrow?

Logan: Sure I guess I'm pretty tired too...

A/N: The next part will end up beating the last time m sorry it was so short guys I think I might have rushed a little bit to much,  it I have my next book (kinda) planned out so I hope you guys read that if you liked my other story along with this one

From hunter to vex god (hunter x vex)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora