Truth Be Told Update 2.0

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I've got another gender update.

Yeah, I know. I've done this twice already. Final one, promise.

Ok, it's not really an update on my gender specifically, more of a rewording of the last update, plus some other related thoughts. Bare with me.

I'm also now official out. Came out to my parents (it's went really well). The following week, had a long conversation with my sister and Mum about gender and stuff. We explained our view points to each other, and Mum's (which is too long to write about) made me rethink everything I know about gender.

Gender is a concept created by humans. Basically, gender dysphoria is caused by accidentally reenforcing the gender binary and stereotypes. Getting rid of those two things would theoretically eliminate gender dysphoria. Instead of being a girl, a boy, or any other, you would just be you.

This has lead me to relabel myself as gender indifferent. Like pronoun indifferent, it means I'm fine with being referred to as any gender.

I've never heard of this concept(?) which is surprising. How has no one seen this before? 4000 years we've existed and no one took a step back and looked at the actual concept of gender? (Someone probably did, and this is maybe how it was until gender was invented).

We need to stop trying to fit into the concept of gender and step outside it. Non-binary genders may seem like they do, but they are still within the gender concept. You're still putting labels on people and creating groups. We need to stop grouping people and just let people be themselves without pressuring them to 'look like their gender'. My agender significant other doesn't have to dress neutrally to be valid. They can wear dresses (these aren't female, but feminine).

Also! Also! We need to disconnect feminine from female and masculine from male. I'm female, I got balls on my chest, but I don't need to be feminine because of it. Someone with balls between their legs don't need to by masculine either. I'm 'manly-er' than a lot of males and some males are 'girly-er' than a lot of females.

I hope this makes sense. I would like to add though, this by no means means we should stop people from wearing binders, or packing, or doing anything else to change their appearance. If being flat-chested reflects who you are, you do that. I'm gender indifferent, but I still want a binder. I still want to look masculine.

It's almost midnight, so I should sleep. Let me know what you think of this in the comments, I'd love to hear it.


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