3: trois

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Kira swatted at the green, pushing past the leaves that stood between herself and her freedom. She could hear the monster mowing down the wilderness behind her, grunting out words that sounded as heavy as his footsteps.

It felt like she had been running for an eternity, but in reality, she had only made it about a hundred feet away before arms the size of her thighs declared her theirs.


The word was short, but its delivery endless.

Instinctively, she kicked at the dirt and scratched his powerful forearms. She had no idea what she was doing. She knew plenty about engineering, but nothing about self-defense.

Vrox gritted his teeth and fought the urge to shake some sense into the boy. He should be thanking Vrox for saving him, not trying to escape. Younglings stood no chance against the jungle; it was designed for men.

"How did you get here? Where is your provider?" Vrox asked in his native tongue.

He was surprised to see the child unsupervised. Boys were treasured nowadays, as there weren't many of them left. Based on this boy's size, he had to be around ten snowfalls old. Vrox didn't even know that such young ones existed.

How did this one get so far into the mouth of death?

The youngling continued his fight. His strength was truly pitiful; he was as weak as an alk that just left its mother's womb.

"Stop resisting," he grunted. "I will not hurt you. I will just return you to your provider." He gripped the tempered boy's softly curved shoulders and spun him around.

Vrox had never seen anything like him. His round face contained two dirt-colored eyes, and his long, dark hair was bouncing around. Most men braided, tied or cut their hair to keep it out of the way, but it was clear that this boy was too young to know how to groom himself.

He scanned his neck, looking for a hint of scales. Vrox's left arm was covered in them. They started at the base of his neck and went past his knuckles. The rough skin was a feature that developed once boys became men. This child didn't own a single scratch, dent, or scar. He was undisturbed snow.


Vrox noticed a feature that definitely didn't belong on boys. Two round protrusions hung from his chest, but they were hidden by the strange texture that covered his skin.

Understanding the situation, Vrox slightly relaxed his hold. "You should have told me that you are injured."

Were the bumps a temporary injury or a birth defect? Was that why he was alone in the wilderness- because his father had discarded him? While Vrox doubted this, there was a poisonous plant in every jungle. It wasn't impossible for a man to throw away a child in a world that barely had any left.

"Get the fuck off me!"

All of Kira's muscles worked overtime as she tried to dig out her escape.

A naked man with a scaled arm, seven feet of height, a bearded face, and freaky orange eyes was holding her against her will. No one was around to save her, even her wit, because her brain was nothing compared to his brawn.

Panicked by the loss of control of her life, she lifted a knee to his crotch. He shifted his hips aside right on time, trembling with another one of those terrifying animalistic growls.

One of his gigantic hands jumped to her face, and she waited for the stinging of his cruelty. Instead of landing on her cheek, he covered her mouth. Saltiness slid past her lips, but she wasn't sure if the taste came from her tears or his palm.

Was this it? Would he push her to the ground and force himself between her thighs?

Vrox pinned the boy to his chest with one arm and shut him up with the other. He was making too much noise, which was always a bad idea when you were in the jungle.

He ignored the wiggling in his arms and listened closely to their surroundings. The wind blew, the boy whimpered, but no leaves crunched. Deciding that no predator was lurking on the ground, he threw his head back and checked the sky.

"Mothers," he spat.

A squar- a vicious bird that had a wingspan large enough to cover the sun, was cruising above. If it spotted Vrox and the child, it would dive right down and try to introduce them to its teeth.

He began to drag the boy over to the nearest tree.

Squars weren't the deadliest animal in existence, but they were a pain to deal with. Their cries of war tended to bring other squars to the area, and they loved to pick up prey and drop them to their deaths.

He sat down against the tree and placed the child on his lap, trying to make them as small as possible. Kira was too concerned by the meaty rod that was flushed between her buttcheeks to notice the giant bird in the sky. She pat the dirt, seeking anything that would make a good stabbing weapon. Just as her fingers scraped over a rock, the sky blinked.

She looked up, in search of the sun, and found a creature that shouldn't belong anywhere but nightmares. It was circling far above them like a vulture, its red feathers demanding the attention of everything below. Its beak was a terrible black- a warning that anything that entered it would never see the light of day again. Its claws were red, too, and Kira wondered if that was because the blood of its latest prey was fresh on them.

Realization finally dawned on her. The man, alien, mutant- whatever he was, wasn't trying to pull her into a bush and rape her. He was trying to save them from becoming lunch.

A mix of fear for both creatures made her all of her limbs freeze. Her heart rebelled against the consensus. It ran rampant, beating so loudly that Kira was sure it could be heard back on Earth. She took deep breaths in an attempt to calm it, preferring to be within the alien's arms than the digestive system of the demonic bird.

The alien's hand remained over her mouth, his scaled arm around her body, and his reproductive organ against her ass.

She looked at the sky that encased their chaos. It was a beautiful blue, but Kira knew that she wasn't one of its citizens. She belonged under Earth's sky- the place where humans sat at the top of the pyramid. She wasn't built to survive in this deadly place.

Survival of the fittest.

She whimpered, but the cry was muffled by the alien's palm.

- • -

Alk: Four-legged, brown, furry herbivores.

Squars: Carnivorous birds that grown to ten feet in length. Their wing-span is 15 feet. They enjoy picking up prey and dropping them to their death.



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