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She watched Vrox fuss with more leaves, preparing paste. She looked at her well-coated foot. It was fine, so why was he mixing more of the stuff?

It was when the giant eyed her warily that she remembered she had an "injury" between her legs.

Vrox stared, waiting for her to fight him like she usually did. Kira had other ideas. With a loaded swallow, she reached for the hem of her skirt and peeled it north.

Trust. You need to trust him. He won't hurt you. He has saved you more times that you could count, and you've misjudged him. Trust him.

(a/n: I cannot post about 400 words because I don't want to risk breaking one of Wattpad's content rules. This scene is on Inkitt – a free app. However, you don't have to go over there to read it to picture what happened. This is the only scene in the book that Wattpad doesn't have. Everything  else is the same.)

Vrox absorbed it all– the arc of her hips, the cry of relief, and the wetting of her thighs. He knew that this reaction wasn't pain. It was foreign, as strange as the liquid that was leaking out of Kira's injury, but far from pain.

To her horror, he studied her release, which gloved his hand. He massaged it between his long fingers, swimming through the texture. When he grabbed her shoulders and helped her sit up, she placed her forehead on his chest.

She breathed heavily, waiting for her heart to stop seizing.

It was then that she realized Vrox's heartbeat was lethargic. It didn't share the excitement found within hers. He was unaffected, ignorant.

Shit. This is wrong.

She was using Vrox for her pleasure. He had signed up to help her heal, not get her off. She was taking advantage of his kindness.

Enough of this.

She pulled up her skirt and looked at the mouth of the cave, trying to ignore the shameful tingling between her thighs.

Until Vrox knew what a vagina was, she couldn't extract any more pleasure from him.

Sensing her change in mood, Vrox gripped her chin with the hand that had just been unraveling her lips. He made her terrain brown eyes meet his yellow ones.

"Sorry, Vrox. It's not you. It's me," she chuckled before pulling away. "I have issues that I've been running away from for too long, but I promise that I'll get professional help as soon as I get back to Earth."

'Issues' was an understatement. She was a misandrist– a hater of men. She had let her contempt for her father, brother, boyfriend, and all the other men that had failed her, consume her.

She had a lot to own up to and many conversations to have.

She took one last look at Vrox, who was kneeling beside her and staring with those eyes of his that seemed to be mini universes. It was a shame that they couldn't talk. She'd love to have a heart-to-heart conversation with the first male friend she had since college.

Rising to her knees, she threw her arms around his torso and gave him a squeeze.

"Thank you for everything. You're a sweetheart."

Unusual warmth bloated Vrox's chest. It wasn't an unpleasant sentiment, just unexpected. He watched the top of Kira's head, feeling small even though he knew that he dwarfed the boy many times over.

He recognized this exchange. Other groups entrapped men in their arms to show appreciation. He didn't return Kira's embrace, finding it to be too abnormal.

When he was released, he stood still, unsure about how to proceed.

The boy gave another one of his rare fang-less smiles and then picked up his food.

Vrox stood frozen for a few more seconds before pushing his questionable feelings aside. He had work to do. Kira wouldn't maintain his boyish innocence if he slacked off and allowed a predator to venture close.

The woods looked still, but he knew better than to trust the facade. He scanned the trees, the boulders, and mountains in the distance. The sky was fairly clear of birds and clouds, but that wasn't a guarantee of safety either.

When his gaze scanned over nearby rocks, his attention perked. There were long strips of clink wedged between the rocks. Click was a precious metal that was used for forging blades. It was rare to come by.

He rose to his feet, making sure to bend his head so he didn't hit the ceiling of the infuriatingly small cave. Kira stood up as well, planning on following. He had her in his arms in no time and walked them to the long, curled slips of metal. They rooted from the rocks, and it was hard to cut them off without a blade.

He settled Kira down beside them and grabbed one of the slips of metal. When he pulled, its unforgiving sharpness bit his palms, making them cry blood. He gave a few more tugs to no avail.

Without a blade, it would be impossible to cut it loose.

Kira, seeing his struggle, shuffled closer. Her pale, skinny hands grabbed one of the pieces. Vrox chuckled, finding her determination cute. If he– a fully grown man couldn't pry the metal free, then neither would the slip of a boy.

Kira examined the long strands that looked like aloe vera leaves.

Is this silver? It grows out of rocks? What the fuck?

She squinted, thinking back to her engineering 101 class.

With a grin, she began to force the slip of silver back and forth. It was thick and reluctant to bend, but after a few dozen twists, it began to loosen.

Vrox watched with amazement.

"Brute force won't fix all of your problems. Sometimes you need to science shit up," she told him as she continued to bring crack's to the metal's surface by stressing it.

When she dislodged the silver from the rock, she handed it to Vrox with a smile. His massive hand fell on her head, petting her praisingly.

The First She ✓ (Ezron Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now